home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
package Foomatic::DB; use Exporter; use Encode; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(normalizename comment_filter get_overview getexecdocs translate_printer_id ); @EXPORT = qw(ppdtoperl ppdfromvartoperl); use Foomatic::Defaults qw(:DEFAULT $DEBUG); use Data::Dumper; use POSIX; # for rounding integers use strict; my $ver = '$Revision$ '; # constructor for Foomatic::DB sub new { my $type = shift(@_); my $this = bless {@_}, $type; $this->{'language'} = "C"; return $this; } # A map from the database's internal one-letter driver types to English my %driver_types = ('F' => 'Filter', 'P' => 'Postscript', 'U' => 'Ghostscript Uniprint', 'G' => 'Ghostscript'); # Translate old numerical PostGreSQL printer IDs to the new clear text ones. sub translate_printer_id { my ($oldid) = @_; # Read translation table for the printer IDs my $translation_table = "$libdir/db/oldprinterids"; open TRTAB, "< $translation_table" or return $oldid; while (<TRTAB>) { chomp; my $searcholdid = quotemeta($oldid); if (/^\s*$searcholdid\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { # ID found, return new ID my $newid = $1; close TRTAB; return $newid; } } # ID not found, return original one close TRTAB; return $oldid; } # Set language for localized answers sub set_language { my ($this, $language) = @_; $this->{'language'} = $language; } # List of driver names sub get_driverlist { my ($this) = @_; return $this->_get_xml_filelist('source/driver'); } # List of printer id's sub get_printerlist { my ($this) = @_; return $this->_get_xml_filelist('source/printer'); } sub get_overview { my ($this, $rebuild, $cupsppds) = @_; # In-memory cache only for this process return $this->{'overview'} if defined($this->{'overview'}) && !$rebuild; $this->{'overview'} = undef; # Read on-disk cache file if we have one if (defined($this->{'overviewfile'})) { if (!$rebuild && (-r $this->{'overviewfile'})) { if (open CFILE, "< $this->{'overviewfile'}") { my $output = join('', <CFILE>); close CFILE; # Only output the cashed page if it was really # completely written Before introduction of this # measure pages would not display due to an incomplete # cache file until the next page rebuild (or until # manually nuking the cache). if ($output =~ m!\]\;\s*$!s) { my $VAR1; if (eval $output) { $this->{'overview'} = $VAR1; return $this->{'overview'}; } } } } } # Build a new overview my $otype = ($cupsppds ? '-C' : '-O'); $otype .= ' -n' if ($cupsppds == 1); # Generate overview Perl data structure from database my $VAR1; eval `$bindir/foomatic-combo-xml $otype -l '$libdir' | $bindir/foomatic-perl-data -O -l $this->{'language'}` || die ("Could not run \"foomatic-combo-xml\"/\"foomatic-perl-data\"!"); $this->{'overview'} = $VAR1; # Write on-disk cache file if we have one if (defined($this->{'overviewfile'})) { if (open CFILE, "> $this->{'overviewfile'}") { print CFILE Dumper($this->{'overview'}); close CFILE; } } return $this->{'overview'}; } sub get_overview_xml { my ($this, $compile) = @_; open( FCX, "$bindir/foomatic-combo-xml -O -l '$libdir'|") or die "Can't execute $bindir/foomatic-combo-xml -O -l '$libdir'"; $_ = join('', <FCX>); close FCX; return $_; } sub get_combo_data_xml { my ($this, $drv, $poid, $withoptions) = @_; # Insert the default option settings if there are some and the user # desires it. my $options = ""; if (($withoptions) && (defined($this->{'dat'}))) { my $dat = $this->{'dat'}; for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $default = $arg->{'default'}; if (($name) && ($default)) { $options .= " -o '$name'='$default'"; } } } open( FCX, "$bindir/foomatic-combo-xml -d '$drv' -p '$poid'$options -l '$libdir'|") or die "Can't execute $bindir/foomatic-combo-xml -d '$drv' -p '$poid'$options -l '$libdir'"; $_ = join('', <FCX>); close FCX; return $_; } sub get_printer { my ($this, $poid) = @_; # Generate printer Perl data structure from database my $VAR1; if (-r "$libdir/db/source/printer/$poid.xml") { eval (`$bindir/foomatic-perl-data -P -l $this->{'language'} '$libdir/db/source/printer/$poid.xml'`) || die ("Could not run \"foomatic-perl-data\"!"); } else { my ($make, $model); if ($poid =~ /^([^\-]+)\-(.*)$/) { $make = $1; $model = $2; $make =~ s/_/ /g; $model =~ s/_/ /g; } else { $make = $poid; $make =~ s/_/ /g; $model = "Unknown model"; } $VAR1 = { 'id' => $poid, 'make' => $make, 'model' => $model, 'noxmlentry' => 1 } } return $VAR1; } sub printer_exists { my ($this, $poid) = @_; # Check whether a printer XML file exists in the database return 1 if (-r "$libdir/db/source/printer/$poid.xml"); return undef; } sub get_printer_xml { my ($this, $poid) = @_; return $this->_get_object_xml("source/printer/$poid", 1); } sub get_driver { my ($this, $drv) = @_; # Generate driver Perl data structure from database my $VAR1; if (-r "$libdir/db/source/driver/$drv.xml") { eval (`$bindir/foomatic-perl-data -D -l $this->{'language'} '$libdir/db/source/driver/$drv.xml'`) || die ("Could not run \"foomatic-perl-data\"!"); } else { return undef; } return $VAR1; } sub get_driver_xml { my ($this, $drv) = @_; return $this->_get_object_xml("source/driver/$drv", 1); } # Utility query function sorts of things: sub get_printers_for_driver { my ($this, $drv) = @_; my @printerlist = (); #my $driver = $this->get_driver($drv); #if (defined($driver)) { #@printerlist = map { $_->{'id'} } @{$driver->{'printers'}}; #} $this->get_overview(); for my $p (@{$this->{'overview'}}) { if (member($drv, @{$p->{'drivers'}})) { push(@printerlist, $p->{'id'}); } } return @printerlist; } # Routine lookup; just examine the overview sub get_drivers_for_printer { my ($this, $printer) = @_; my @drivers = (); my $over = $this->get_overview(); my $p; for $p (@{$over}) { if ($p->{'id'} eq $printer) { return @{$p->{'drivers'}}; } } return undef; } # Clean some manufacturer's names (for printer search function, taken # from printerdrake, former printer setup tool of Mandriva Linux) sub clean_manufacturer_name { my ($make) = @_; #$make =~ s/^Canon\W.*$/Canon/i; #$make =~ s/^Lexmark.*$/Lexmark/i; $make =~ s/^Hewlett?[_\s\-]*Packard/HP/i; $make =~ s/^Seiko[_\s\-]*Epson/Epson/i; $make =~ s/^Kyocera[_\s\-]*Mita/Kyocera/i; $make =~ s/^CItoh/C.Itoh/i; $make =~ s/^Oki(|[_\s\-]*Data)$/Oki/i; $make =~ s/^(SilentWriter2?|ColorMate)/NEC/i; $make =~ s/^(XPrint|Majestix)/Xerox/i; $make =~ s/^QMS-PS/QMS/i; $make =~ s/^konica([_\s\-]|)minolta/KONICA MINOLTA/i; $make =~ s/^(Personal|LaserWriter)/Apple/i; $make =~ s/^Digital/DEC/i; $make =~ s/\s+Inc\.//i; $make =~ s/\s+Corp\.//i; $make =~ s/\s+SA\.//i; $make =~ s/\s+S\.\s*A\.//i; $make =~ s/\s+Ltd\.//i; $make =~ s/\s+International//i; $make =~ s/\s+Int\.//i; return $make; } # Clean some model names (taken from system-config-printer, printer setup # tool of Fedora/Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Mandriva sub clean_model_name { my ($model) = @_; $model =~ s/^Mita[_\s\-]+//i; $model =~ s/^AL-(([CM][A-Z]?|)\d+)/AcuLaser $1PS/; $model =~ s/\s*\(recommended\)//i; $model =~ s/\s*-\s*PostScript\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*-\s*BR-Script[123]?\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*\bseries\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*\bPS[123]?\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*PS[123]?$//; $model =~ s/\s*\bPXL//i; $model =~ s/[\s_-]+BT\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*\(Bluetooth\)//i; $model =~ s/\s*-\s*(RC|Ver(|sion))\s*-*\s*[0-9\.]+//i; $model =~ s/\s*-\s*(RC|Ver(|sion))\b//i; $model =~ s/\s*PostScript\s*$//i; $model =~ s/\s*BR-Script[123]?\s*$//i; $model =~ s/\s*\(\s*\)//i; $model =~ s/\s*[\-\/]\s*$//i; return $model; } # Guess manufacturer by description with only model name (for printer # search function, taken from printerdrake, printer setup tool of # Mandriva Linux) sub guessmake { my ($description) = @_; my $manufacturer; my $model; if ($description =~ /^\s*(DeskJet|LaserJet|OfficeJet|PSC|PhotoSmart)\b/i) { # HP printer $manufacturer = "HP"; $model = $description; } elsif ($description =~ /^\s*(Stylus|EPL|AcuLaser)\b/i) { # Epson printer $manufacturer = "Epson"; $model = $description; } elsif ($description =~ /^\s*(Aficio)\b/i) { # Ricoh printer $manufacturer = "Ricoh"; $model = $description; } elsif ($description =~ /^\s*(Optra|Color\s+JetPrinter)\b/i) { # Lexmark printer $manufacturer = "Lexmark"; $model = $description; } elsif ($description =~ /^\s*(imageRunner|Pixma|Pixus|BJC|LBP)\b/i) { # Canon printer $manufacturer = "Canon"; $model = $description; } elsif ($description =~ /^\s*(Phaser|DocuPrint|(Work|Document)\s*(Home|)Centre)\b/i) { # Xerox printer $manufacturer = "Xerox"; $model = $description; } elsif (($description =~ /^\s*(KONICA\s*MINOLTA)\s+(\S.*)$/i) || ($description =~ /^\s*(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$/)) { $manufacturer = $1 if $manufacturer eq ""; $model = $2 if $model eq ""; } return ($manufacturer, $model); } # Normalize a string, so that for a search only letters # (case-insensitive), numbers and boundaries between letter blocks and # number blocks are considered. The pipe '|' as separator between make # and model is also considered. Blocks of other characters are # replaced by a single space and boundaries between letters and # numbers are marked with a single space. sub normalize { my ($str) = @_; $str = lc($str); $str =~ s/\+/plus/g; $str =~ s/[^a-z0-9\|]+/ /g; $str =~ s/(?<=[a-z])(?=[0-9])/ /g; $str =~ s/(?<=[0-9])(?=[a-z])/ /g; $str =~ s/ //g; return $str; } # Find a printer in the database based on an auto-detected device ID # or a user-typed search term sub find_printer { my ($this, $searchterm, $mode, $output) = @_; # $mode = 0: Everything (default) # $mode = 1: No matches on only the manufacturer # $mode = 2: No matches on only the manufacturer or only the model # $mode = 3: Exact matches of device ID, make/model, or Foomatic ID # plus matches of the page description language # $mode = 4: Exact matches of device ID, make/model, or Foomatic ID # only # $output = 0: Everything # $output = 1: Only best match class (default) # $output = 2: Only best match # Correct options $mode = 0 if !defined $mode; $mode = 0 if $mode < 0; $mode = 4 if $mode > 4; $output = 1 if !defined $output; $output = 0 if $output < 0; $output = 2 if $output > 2; my $over = $this->get_overview(); my %results; # Parse the search term my ($automake, $automodel, $autodescr, $autocmdset, $autosku); my $deviceid = 0; # Do we have a device ID? if ($searchterm =~ /(MFG|MANUFACTURER):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $automake = $2; $deviceid = 1; } if ($searchterm =~ /(MDL|MODEL):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $automodel = $2; $automodel =~ s/\s+$//; $deviceid = 1; } if ($searchterm =~ /(DES|DESCRIPTION):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $autodescr = $2; $autodescr =~ s/\s+$//; $deviceid = 1; } if ($searchterm =~ /(CMD|COMMANDS?\s?SET):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $autocmdset = $2; $deviceid = 1; } if ($searchterm =~ /(SKU):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $autosku = $2; $autosku =~ s/\s+$//; $deviceid = 1; } # Search term is not a device ID if (!$deviceid) { if ($searchterm =~ /^([^\|]+)\|([^\|]+|)(\|.*?|)$/) { $automake = $1; $automodel = $2; } else { $autodescr = $searchterm; } } # This is the algorithm used in printerdrake (printer setup tool # of Mandriva Linux) to match results of the printer auto-detection # with the printer database # Clean some manufacturer's names my $descrmake = clean_manufacturer_name($automake); # Generate data to match human-readable make/model names # of Foomatic database my $descr; if ($automake && $autosku) { $descr = "$descrmake|$autosku"; } elsif ($automake && $automodel) { $descr = "$descrmake|$automodel"; } elsif ($autodescr && (length($autodescr) > 5)) { my ($mf, $md) = guessmake($autodescr); $descrmake = clean_manufacturer_name($mf); $descr = "$descrmake|$md"; } elsif ($automodel) { my ($mf, $md) = guessmake($automodel); $descrmake = clean_manufacturer_name($mf); $descr = "$descrmake|$md"; } elsif ($automake) { $descr = "$descrmake|"; } # Remove manufacturer's name from the beginning of the # description (do not do this with manufacturer names which # contain odd characters) $descr =~ s/^$descrmake\|\s*$descrmake\s*/$descrmake|/i if $descrmake && $descrmake !~ m![\\/\(\)\[\]\|\.\$\@\%\*\?]!; # Clean up the description from noise which makes the best match # difficult $descr =~ s/\s+[Ss]eries//i; $descr =~ s/\s+\(?[Pp]rinter\)?$//i; # Try to find an exact match, check both whether the detected # make|model is in the make|model of the database entry and vice versa # If there is more than one matching database entry, the longest match # counts. my $matchlength = -1000; my $bestmatchlength = -1000; my $p; DBENTRY: for $p (@{$over}) { # Try to match the device ID string of the auto-detection if ($p->{make} =~ /Generic/i) { # Database entry for generic printer, check printer # languages (command set) if ($p->{model} =~ m!PCL\s*5/5e!i) { # Generic PCL 5/5e Printer if ($autocmdset =~ /(^|[:,])PCL\s*\-*\s*(5|)($|[,;])/i) { $matchlength = 70; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); next; } } elsif ($p->{model} =~ m!PCL\s*(6|XL)!i) { # Generic PCL 6/XL Printer if ($autocmdset =~ /(^|[:,])PCL\s*\-*\s*(6|XL)($|[,;])/i) { $matchlength = 80; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); next; } } elsif ($p->{model} =~ m!(PostScript)!i) { # Generic PostScript Printer if ($autocmdset =~ /(^|[:,\s])(PS|POSTSCRIPT)[^:;,]*($|[,;])/i) { $matchlength = 90; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); next; } } } else { # "Real" manufacturer, check manufacturer, model, and/or # description my $matched = 1; my ($mfg, $mdl, $des, $sku); my $ieee1284 = deviceIDfromDBEntry($p); if ($ieee1284 =~ /(MFG|MANUFACTURER):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $mfg = $2; } if ($ieee1284 =~ /(MDL|MODEL):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $mdl = $2; $mdl =~ s/\s+$//; } if ($ieee1284 =~ /(DES|DESCRIPTION):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $des = $2; $des =~ s/\s+$//; } if ($ieee1284 =~ /(SKU):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $sku = $2; $sku =~ s/\s+$//; } if ($mfg) { if ($mfg ne $automake) { $matched = 0; } } if ($mdl) { if ($mdl ne $automodel) { $matched = 0; } } if ($des) { if ($des ne $autodescr) { $matched = 0; } } if ($sku && $autosku) { if ($sku ne $autosku) { $matched = 0; } } if ($matched && ($des || ($mfg && ($mdl || ($sku && $autosku))))) { # Full match to known auto-detection data $matchlength = 1000; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); next; } } # Try to match the (human-readable) make and model of the # Foomatic database or of the PPD file my $dbmakemodel = "$p->{make}|$p->{model}"; # At first try to match make and model, then only model and # after that only make my $searchtasks = [[$descr, $dbmakemodel, 0], [$searchterm, $p->{model}, -200], [clean_manufacturer_name($searchterm), $p->{make}, -300], [$searchterm, $p->{id}, 0]]; foreach my $task (@{$searchtasks}) { # Do not try to match search terms or database entries without # real content next unless $task->[0] =~ /[a-z]/i; next unless $task->[1] =~ /[a-z]/i; # If make and model match exactly, we have found the correct # entry and we can stop searching human-readable makes and # models if (normalize($task->[1]) eq normalize($task->[0])) { $matchlength = 100; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength + $task->[2] if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength + $task->[2]; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength + $task->[2] if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); next DBENTRY; } # Matching a part of the human-readable makes and models # should only be done if the search term is not the name of # an old model, otherwise the newest, not yet listed models # match with the oldest model of the manufacturer (as the # Epson Stylus Photo 900 with the original Epson Stylus Photo) my @badsearchterms = ("HP|DeskJet", "HP|LaserJet", "HP|DesignJet", "HP|OfficeJet", "HP|PhotoSmart", "EPSON|Stylus", "EPSON|Stylus Color", "EPSON|Stylus Photo", "EPSON|Stylus Pro", "XEROX|WorkCentre", "XEROX|DocuPrint"); if (!member($task->[0], @badsearchterms)) { my $searcht = normalize($task->[0]); my $lsearcht = length($searcht); $searcht =~ s!([\\/\(\)\[\]\|\.\$\@\%\*\?])!\\$1!g; $searcht =~ s!(\\\|)!$1.*!g; my $s = normalize($task->[1]); if ((1 || $lsearcht >= $matchlength) && $s =~ m!$searcht!i) { $matchlength = $lsearcht; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength + $task->[2] if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength + $task->[2]; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength + $task->[2] if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); } } if (!member($task->[1], @badsearchterms)) { my $searcht = normalize($task->[1]); my $lsearcht = length($searcht); $searcht =~ s!([\\/\(\)\[\]\|\.\$\@\%\*\?])!\\$1!g; $searcht =~ s!(\\\|)!$1.*!g; my $s = normalize($task->[0]); if ((1 || $lsearcht >= $matchlength) && $s =~ m!$searcht!i) { $matchlength = $lsearcht; $bestmatchlength = $matchlength + $task->[2] if $bestmatchlength < $matchlength + $task->[2]; $results{$p->{id}} = $matchlength + $task->[2] if (!defined($results{$p->{id}}) || ($results{$p->{id}} < $matchlength)); } } } } return grep { ((($mode == 4) && ($results{$_} >= 100)) || (($mode == 3) && ($results{$_} > 60)) || (($mode == 2) && ($results{$_} > -100)) || (($mode == 1) && ($results{$_} > -200)) || ($mode == 0)) && (($output == 0) || (($output == 1) && !((($bestmatchlength >= 100) && ($results{$_} < 100)) || (($bestmatchlength >= 60) && ($results{$_} < 60)) || (($bestmatchlength >= 0) && ($results{$_} < 0)) || (($bestmatchlength >= -100) && ($results{$_} < -100)) || (($bestmatchlength >= -200) && ($results{$_} < -200)) || (($bestmatchlength >= -300) && ($results{$_} < -300)) || (($bestmatchlength >= -400) && ($results{$_} < -400)))) || (($output == 2) && ($results{$_} == $bestmatchlength))) } sort { $results{$b} <=> $results{$a} } keys(%results); } # This function sorts the options at first by their group membership and # then by their names appearing in the list of functional areas. This way # it will be made easier to build the PPD file with option groups and in # user interfaces options will appear sorted by their functionality. sub sortargs { # All sorting done case-insensitive and characters which are not a # letter or number are taken out!! # List of typical option names to appear at first # The terms must fit to the beginning of the line, terms which must fit # exactly must have '\$' in the end. my @standardopts = ( # The most important composite option "printoutmode", # Options which appear in the "General" group in # CUPS and similar media handling options "pagesize", "papersize", "mediasize", "inputslot", "papersource", "mediasource", "sheetfeeder", "mediafeed", "paperfeed", "manualfeed", "manual", "outputtray", "outputslot", "outtray", "faceup", "facedown", "mediatype", "papertype", "mediaweight", "paperweight", "duplex", "sides", "binding", "tumble", "notumble", "media", "paper", # Other hardware options "inktype", "ink", # Page choice/ordering options "pageset", "pagerange", "pages", "nup", "numberup", # Printout quality, colour/bw "resolution", "gsresolution", "hwresolution", "jclresolution", "fastres", "jclfastres", "quality", "printquality", "printingquality", "printoutquality", "bitsperpixel", "econo", "jclecono", "tonersav", "photomode", "photo", "colormode", "colourmode", "color", "colour", "grayscale", "gray", "monochrome", "mono", "blackonly", "colormodel", "colourmodel", "processcolormodel", "processcolourmodel", "printcolors", "printcolours", "outputtype", "outputmode", "printingmode", "printoutmode", "printmode", "mode", "imagetype", "imagemode", "image", "dithering", "dither", "halftoning", "halftone", "floydsteinberg", "ret\$", "cret\$", "photoret\$", "smooth", # Adjustments "gammacorrection", "gammacorr", "gammageneral", "mastergamma", "stpgamma", "gammablack", "blackgamma", "gammacyan", "cyangamma", "gammamagenta", "magentagamma", "gammayellow", "yellowgamma", "gammared", "redgamma", "gammagreen", "greengamma", "gammablue", "bluegamma", "gamma", "density", "stpdensity", "hpljdensity", "tonerdensity", "inkdensity", "brightness", "stpbrightness", "saturation", "stpsaturation", "hue", "stphue", "tint", "stptint", "contrast", "stpcontrast", "black", "stpblack", "cyan", "stpcyan", "magenta", "stpmagenta", "yellow", "stpyellow", "red", "stpred", "green", "stpgreen", "blue", "stpblue" ); my @standardgroups = ( "general", "media", "quality", "imag", "color", "output", "finish", "stapl", "extra", "install" ); my $compare; # Argument records my $firstarg = $a; my $secondarg = $b; # Bring the two option names into a standard form to compare them # in a better way my $first = normalizename(lc($firstarg->{'name'})); $first =~ s/[\W_]//g; my $second = normalizename(lc($secondarg->{'name'})); $second =~ s/[\W_]//g; # group names my $firstgr = $firstarg->{'group'}; my @firstgroup; @firstgroup = split("/", $firstgr) if defined($firstgr); my $secondgr = $secondarg->{'group'}; my @secondgroup; @secondgroup = split("/", $secondgr) if defined($secondgr); my $i = 0; # Compare groups while ($firstgroup[$i] && $secondgroup[$i]) { # Normalize group names my $firstgr = normalizename(lc($firstgroup[$i])); $firstgr =~ s/[\W_]//g; my $secondgr = normalizename(lc($secondgroup[$i])); $secondgr =~ s/[\W_]//g; # Are the groups in the list of standard group names? my $j; for ($j = 0; $j <= $#standardgroups; $j++) { my $firstinlist = ($firstgr =~ /^$standardgroups[$j]/); my $secondinlist = ($secondgr =~ /^$standardgroups[$j]/); if (($firstinlist) && (!$secondinlist)) {return -1}; if (($secondinlist) && (!$firstinlist)) {return 1}; if (($firstinlist) && ($secondinlist)) {last}; } # Compare normalized group names $compare = $firstgr cmp $secondgr; if ($compare != 0) {return $compare}; # Compare original group names $compare = $firstgroup[$i] cmp $secondgroup[$i]; if ($compare != 0) {return $compare}; $i++; } # The one with a deeper level in the group tree will come later if ($firstgroup[$i]) {return 1}; if ($secondgroup[$i]) {return -1}; # Sort by order parameter if the order parameters are different if (defined($firstarg->{'order'}) && defined($secondarg->{'order'}) && $firstarg->{'order'} != $secondarg->{'order'}) { return $firstarg->{'order'} cmp $secondarg->{'order'}; } # Check whether the argument names are in the @standardopts list for ($i = 0; $i <= $#standardopts; $i++) { my $firstinlist = ($first =~ /^$standardopts[$i]/); my $secondinlist = ($second =~ /^$standardopts[$i]/); if (($firstinlist) && (!$secondinlist)) {return -1}; if (($secondinlist) && (!$firstinlist)) {return 1}; if (($firstinlist) && ($secondinlist)) {last}; } # None of the search terms in the list, compare the standard-formed # strings $compare = ( $first cmp $second ); if ($compare != 0) {return $compare}; # No other criteria fullfilled, compare the original input strings return $firstarg->{'name'} cmp $secondarg->{'name'}; } sub sortvals { # All sorting done case-insensitive and characters which are not a letter # or number are taken out!! # List of typical choice names to appear at first # The terms must fit to the beginning of the line, terms which must fit # exactly must have '\$' in the end. my @standardvals = ( # Default setting "default", "printerdefault", # "Neutral" setting "None\$", # Paper sizes "letter\$", #"legal", "a4\$", # Paper types "plain", # Printout Modes "draft\$", "draft\.gray", "draft\.mono", "draft\.", "draft", "normal\$", "normal\.gray", "normal\.mono", "normal\.", "normal", "high\$", "high\.gray", "high\.mono", "high\.", "high", "veryhigh\$", "veryhigh\.gray", "veryhigh\.mono", "veryhigh\.", "veryhigh", "photo\$", "photo\.gray", "photo\.mono", "photo\.", "photo", # Trays "upper", "top", "middle", "mid", "lower", "bottom", "highcapacity", "multipurpose", "tray", ); # Do not waste time if the input strings are equal if ($a eq $b) {return 0;} # Are the two strings numbers? Compare them numerically if (($a =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) && ($b =~ /^[\d\.]+$/)) { my $compare = ( $a <=> $b ); if ($compare != 0) {return $compare}; } # Bring the two option names into a standard form to compare them # in a better way my $first = lc($a); $first =~ s/[\W_]//g; my $second = lc($b); $second =~ s/[\W_]//g; # Check whether they are in the @standardvals list for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#standardvals; $i++) { my $firstinlist = ($first =~ /^$standardvals[$i]/); my $secondinlist = ($second =~ /^$standardvals[$i]/); if (($firstinlist) && (!$secondinlist)) {return -1}; if (($secondinlist) && (!$firstinlist)) {return 1}; if (($firstinlist) && ($secondinlist)) {last}; } # None of the search terms in the list, compare the standard-formed # strings my $compare = ( normalizename($first) cmp normalizename($second) ); if ($compare != 0) {return $compare}; # No other criteria fullfilled, compare the original input strings return $a cmp $b; } # Take driver/pid arguments and generate a Perl data structure for the # Perl filter scripts. Sort the options and enumerated choices so that # they get presented more nicely on frontends which do not sort by # themselves sub getdat ($ $ $) { my ($this, $drv, $poid) = @_; my $ppdfile; # Do we have a link to a custom PPD file for this driver in the # printer XML file? Then return the custom PPD my $p = $this->get_printer($poid); if (defined($p->{'drivers'})) { for my $d (@{$p->{'drivers'}}) { next if ($d->{'id'} ne $drv); $ppdfile = $d->{'ppd'} if defined($d->{'ppd'}); last; } } # Do we have a PostScript printer and a link to a manufacturer- # supplied PPD file? Then return the manufacturer-supplied PPD if ($drv =~ /^Postscript$/i) { $ppdfile = $p->{'ppdurl'} if defined($p->{'ppdurl'}); } # There is a link to a custom PPD, if it is installed on the local # machine, use the custom PPD instead of generating one from the # Foomatic data if ($ppdfile) { $ppdfile =~ s,^http://.*/(PPD/.*)$,$1,; $ppdfile = $libdir . "/db/source/" . $ppdfile; $ppdfile = "${ppdfile}.gz" if (! -r $ppdfile); if (-r $ppdfile) { $this->getdatfromppd($ppdfile); $this->{'dat'}{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile; return $this->{'dat'}; } } # Generate Perl data structure from database my %dat; # Our purpose in life... my $VAR1; eval (`$bindir/foomatic-combo-xml -d '$drv' -p '$poid' -l '$libdir' | $bindir/foomatic-perl-data -C -l $this->{'language'}`) || die ("Could not run \"foomatic-combo-xml\"/" . "\"foomatic-perl-data\"!"); %dat = %{$VAR1}; # Funky one-at-a-time cache thing $this->{'dat'} = \%dat; # We do some additional stuff which is very awkward to implement in C # now, so we do it here # Some clean-up checklongnames($this->{'dat'}); sortoptions($this->{'dat'}); generalentries($this->{'dat'}); if (defined($this->{'dat'}{'shortdescription'})) { $this->{'dat'}{'shortdescription'} =~ s/[\s\n\r]+/ /s; $this->{'dat'}{'shortdescription'} =~ s/^\s+//; $this->{'dat'}{'shortdescription'} =~ s/\s+$//; } return \%dat; } sub getdatfromppd { my ($this, $ppdfile, $parameters) = @_; my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile, $parameters); if (!defined($dat)) { die ("Unable to open PPD file \'$ppdfile\'\n"); } $this->{'dat'} = $dat; } sub ppdtoperl { # Build a Perl data structure of the printer/driver options my ($ppdfile, $parameters) = @_; # Load the PPD file and send it to the parser open PPD, ($ppdfile !~ /\.gz$/i ? "< $ppdfile" : "$sysdeps->{'gzip'} -cd \'$ppdfile\' |") or return undef; my @ppd = <PPD>; close PPD; $parameters->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile if $parameters; return ppdfromvartoperl(\@ppd, $parameters); } sub apply_driver_and_pdl_info { # Find out printer's page description languages and suitable drivers my ($dat, $parameters) = @_; my %drivers; my $pdls; my $ppddlpath; my $ppddrv = $dat->{'driver'}; if ($parameters) { if (defined($parameters->{'drivers'})) { foreach my $d (@{$parameters->{'drivers'}}) { $drivers{$d} = 1; } $ppddrv = $parameters->{'drivers'}[0]; $dat->{'driver'} = $parameters->{'drivers'}[0] if $parameters->{'drivers'}[0] =~ /^$dat->{'driver'}/; } if ($parameters->{'recommendeddriver'}) { $dat->{'driver'} = $parameters->{'recommendeddriver'}; } if (defined($parameters->{'pdls'})) { $pdls = join(",", @{$parameters->{'pdls'}}); } if ($parameters->{'ppdfile'} && $parameters->{'ppdlink'}) { my $ppdfile = $parameters->{'ppdfile'}; if ($parameters->{'basedir'}) { my $basedir = $parameters->{'basedir'}; $basedir =~ s:/+$::; if (! -d $basedir) { die ("PPD base directory $basedir does not exist!\n"); } if (! -r $ppdfile) { $ppddlpath = $ppdfile; $ppdfile = $basedir . "/" . $ppdfile; if (! -r $ppdfile) { die ("Given PPD file not found, neither as $ppddlpath nor as $ppdfile!\n"); } } else { $ppdfile =~ m:$basedir/(.*)$:; $ppddlpath = $1; } } else { if (! -r $ppdfile) { die ("Given PPD file $ppdfile not found!\n"); } $ppddlpath = $ppdfile; } } } if ($dat->{'driver'} =~ /Postscript/i) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "POSTSCRIPT$dat->{'ppdpslevel'}")); } elsif ($dat->{'driver'} =~ /(pxl|pcl[\s\-]?xl)/i) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "PCLXL")); } elsif ($dat->{'driver'} =~ /(ljet4|lj4)/i) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "PCL5e")); } elsif (($dat->{'driver'} =~ /clj/i) && $dat->{'color'}) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "PCL5c")); } elsif ($dat->{'driver'} =~ /(ljet3|lj3)/i) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "PCL5")); } elsif ($dat->{'driver'} =~ /(laserjet|ljet|lj)/i) { $pdls = join(',', ($pdls, "PCL4")); } $pdls = join(',', ($dat->{'general_cmd'}, $pdls)) if defined($dat->{'general_cmd'}); if ($pdls) { for my $l (split(',', $pdls)) { my ($lang, $level) = ('', ''); if ($l =~ /\b(PostScript|PS|BR-?Script)(\d?)\b/i) { $lang = "postscript"; $level = $2; } elsif ($l =~ /\b(PDF)\b/i) { $lang = "pdf"; } elsif ($l =~ /\b(PCLXL)\b/i) { $lang = "pcl"; $level = "6"; } elsif ($l =~ /\b(PCL)(\d\S?|)\b/i) { $lang = "pcl"; $level = $2; if (!$level) { if ($dat->{'color'}) { $level = "5c"; } else { $level = "5e"; } } } elsif ($l =~ /\b(PJL)\b/i) { $dat->{'pjl'} = 1; $dat->{'jcl'} = 1; } if ($lang) { if (!defined($dat->{'languages'})) { $dat->{'languages'} = []; } my $found = 0; foreach my $ll (@{$dat->{'languages'}}) { if ($ll->{'name'} =~ /^$lang$/i) { $ll->{'level'} = $level if $level && ($level gt $ll->{'level'}); $found = 1; } } push(@{$dat->{'languages'}}, { 'name' => $lang, 'level' => $level }) if !$found; } } } $drivers{$dat->{'driver'}} = 1; for my $ll (@{$dat->{'languages'}}) { my $lang = $ll->{'name'}; my $level = $ll->{'level'}; if ($lang =~ /^postscript$/i) { if ($level eq "1") { $drivers{'Postscript1'} = 1; } else { $drivers{'Postscript'} = 1; } } elsif ($lang =~ /^pcl$/i) { if ($level eq "6") { if ($dat->{'color'}) { $drivers{'pxlcolor'} = 1; } else { $drivers{'pxlmono'} = 1; $drivers{'lj5gray'} = 1; } } elsif ($level eq "5e") { $drivers{'ljet4d'} = 1; $drivers{'ljet4'} = 1; $drivers{'lj4dith'} = 1; if ($dat->{'make'} =~ /^(HP|Hewlett[\s-]+Packard)$/i) { $drivers{'hplip'} = 1; } else { $drivers{'hpijs-pcl5e'} = 1; } $drivers{'gutenprint'} = 1; } elsif ($level eq "5c") { $drivers{'cljet5'} = 1; if ($dat->{'make'} =~ /^(HP|Hewlett[\s-]+Packard)$/i) { $drivers{'hplip'} = 1; } else { $drivers{'hpijs-pcl5c'} = 1; } } elsif ($level eq "5") { $drivers{'ljet3d'} = 1; $drivers{'ljet3'} = 1; } elsif ($level eq "4") { $drivers{'laserjet'} = 1; $drivers{'ljetplus'} = 1; $drivers{'ljet2p'} = 1; } # PCL printers print also plain text $dat->{'ascii'} = 'us-ascii'; } } for my $drv (keys %drivers) { if (!defined($dat->{'drivers'})) { $dat->{'drivers'} = []; } my $found = 0; foreach my $dd (@{$dat->{'drivers'}}) { if (($dd->{'name'} =~ /^$drv$/i) || ($dd->{'id'} =~ /^$drv$/i)) { $found = 1; } if ($ppddlpath && ($dd->{'id'} =~ /^$ppddrv$/i)) { $dd->{'ppd'} = $ppddlpath; } } push(@{$dat->{'drivers'}}, { 'name' => $drv, 'id' => $drv, ($ppddlpath && ($drv =~ /^$ppddrv$/i) ? ('ppd' => $ppddlpath) : ()) }) if !$found; } } sub ppdfromvartoperl { my ($ppd, $parameters) = @_; # Build a data structure for the renderer's command line and the # options my $dat = {}; # data structure for the options my $currentargument = ""; # We are currently reading this argument my $currentgroup = ""; # We are currently in this group/subgroup my @currentgrouptrans; # Translation/long name for group/subgroup my $isfoomatic = 0; # Do we have a Foomatic PPD? # If we have an old Foomatic 2.0.x PPD file, read its built-in Perl # data structure into @datablob and the default values in %ppddefaults # Then delete the $dat structure, replace it by the one "eval"ed from # @datablob, and correct the default settings according to the ones of # the main PPD structure my @datablob; $dat->{"encoding"} = "ascii"; # search for LanguageEncoding for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$ppd}; $i ++) { $_ = $ppd->[$i]; if (m/^\*LanguageEncoding:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { # "*LanguageEncoding: <encoding>" $dat->{'encoding'} = $1; if ($dat->{'encoding'} eq 'MacStandard') { $dat->{'encoding'} = 'MacCentralEurRoman'; } elsif ($dat->{'encoding'} eq 'WindowsANSI') { $dat->{'encoding'} = 'cp1252'; } elsif ($dat->{'encoding'} eq 'JIS83-RKSJ') { $dat->{'encoding'} = 'shiftjis'; } last; } } # decode PPD my $encoding = $dat->{"encoding"}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$ppd}; $i ++) { $ppd->[$i] = decode($encoding, $ppd->[$i]); } $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} = 0; # Parse the PPD file for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$ppd}; $i ++) { $_ = $ppd->[$i]; # Foomatic should also work with PPD files downloaded under # Windows. $_ = undossify($_); # Parse keywords if (m!^\*NickName:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*NickName: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; $dat->{'makemodel'} = unhexify($cmd); $dat->{'makemodel'} =~ s/^([^,]+),.*$/$1/; } elsif (m!^\*ModelName:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*ModelName: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; $dat->{'ppdmodelname'} = unhexify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*Product:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*Product: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; my $ppdproduct = unhexify($cmd); $ppdproduct =~ s/^\s*\(\s*//; $ppdproduct =~ s/\s*\)\s*$//; @{$dat->{'ppdproduct'}} = () if !defined($dat->{'ppdproduct'}); push(@{$dat->{'ppdproduct'}}, $ppdproduct); } elsif (m!^\*Manufacturer:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*Manufacturer: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; $dat->{'ppdmanufacturer'} = unhexify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*LanguageVersion:\s*(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*LanguageVersion: <language>" $dat->{'language'} = $1; } elsif (m!^\*ColorDevice:\s*(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*ColorDevice: <boolean>" my $col = $1; if ($col =~ /true/i) { $dat->{'color'} = 1; } elsif ($col =~ /false/i) { $dat->{'color'} = 0; } } elsif (m!^\*LanguageLevel:\s*\"?(\S+?)\"?\s*$!) { # "*LanguageLevel: "<level>"" $dat->{'ppdpslevel'} = $1; } elsif (m!^\*Throughput:\s*\"?(\S+?)\"?\s*$!) { # "*Throughput: "<pages/min>"" $dat->{'throughput'} = $1; } elsif (m!^\*1284DeviceID:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*1284DeviceID: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= $line; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= $1; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; if (!defined($dat->{'general_ieee'}) || (length($dat->{'general_ieee'}) < length($cmd))) { $dat->{'general_ieee'} = unhexify($cmd); if ($dat->{'general_ieee'} =~ /(MFG|MANUFACTURER):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $dat->{'general_mfg'} = $2; } if ($dat->{'general_ieee'} =~ /(MDL|MODEL):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $dat->{'general_mdl'} = $2; } if ($dat->{'general_ieee'} =~ /(CMD|COMMANDS?\s*SET):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $dat->{'general_cmd'} = $2; } if ($dat->{'general_ieee'} =~ /(DES|DESCRIPTION):\s*([^:;]+);?/i) { $dat->{'general_des'} = $2; } } } elsif (m!^\*PaperDimension\s+([^:]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*PaperDimension <format>: <code>" my $line = $2; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; $cmd =~ /^(\d+)/; my $width = $1; $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} = $width if $width && ($width > $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'}); } elsif (m!^\*cupsFilter\s+([^:]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*cupsFilter: <code>" my $line = $2; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; $cmd .= " $line"; # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ m!^([^\"]*?)\s*\"!; $cmd .= " $1"; $cmd =~ s/^\s*//; push(@{$dat->{'cupsfilterlines'}}, $cmd); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticIDs:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticIDs: <printer ID> <driver ID>" my $id = $1; my $driver = $2; # Store the values $dat->{'id'} = $id; $dat->{'driver'} = $driver; $isfoomatic = 1; } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPPostPipe:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPPostPipe: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $cmd .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $cmd .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $cmd .= $1; $dat->{'postpipe'} = unhtmlify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPCommandLine:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $cmd .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $cmd .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $cmd .= $1; $dat->{'cmd'} = unhtmlify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPCommandLinePDF:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPCommandLinePDF: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $cmd .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $cmd .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $cmd .= $1; $dat->{'cmd_pdf'} = unhtmlify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPNoPageAccounting:\s*(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPNoPageAccounting: <boolean value>" my $value = $1; # Store the value if ($value =~ /^True$/i) { $dat->{'drivernopageaccounting'} = 1; } else { delete $dat->{'drivernopageaccounting'}; } } elsif (m!^\*CustomPageSize\s+True:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*CustomPageSize True: <code>" my $setting = "Custom"; my $translation = "Custom Size"; my $line = $1; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, "PageSize"); checkarg ($dat, "PageRegion"); # "PageSize" and "PageRegion" must be both user-visible as they are # options required by the PPD spec undef $dat->{'args_byname'}{"PageSize"}{'hidden'}; undef $dat->{'args_byname'}{"PageRegion"}{'hidden'}; # Make sure that the setting is in the data structure checksetting ($dat, "PageSize", $setting); checksetting ($dat, "PageRegion", $setting); $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'comment'} = $translation; $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'comment'} = $translation; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; if ($code !~ m!^%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting!m) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'driverval'} = $code; $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'driverval'} = $code; } } elsif (m!^\*Open(Sub|)Group:\s*\*?([^/]+?)(/(.*)|)$!) { # "*Open[Sub]Group: <group>[/<translation>] my $group = $2; chomp($group) if $group; my $grouptrans = $4; chomp($grouptrans) if $grouptrans; if (!$grouptrans) { $grouptrans = longname($group); } if ($currentgroup) { $currentgroup .= "/"; } $currentgroup .= $group; push(@currentgrouptrans, unhexify($grouptrans, $dat->{"encoding"})); } elsif (m!^\*Close(Sub|)Group:?\s*\*?([^/]+?)$!) { # "*Close[Sub]Group: <group>" my $group = $2; chomp($group) if $group; $currentgroup =~ s!$group$!!; $currentgroup =~ s!/$!!; pop(@currentgrouptrans); } elsif (m!^\*Close(Sub|)Group\s*$!) { # "*Close[Sub]Group" # NOTE: This expression is not Adobe-conforming $currentgroup =~ s![^/]+$!!; $currentgroup =~ s!/$!!; pop(@currentgrouptrans); } elsif (m!^\*(JCL|)OpenUI\s+\*([^:]+):\s*(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*[JCL]OpenUI *<option>[/<translation>]: <type>" my $argnametrans = $2; my $argtype = $3; my $argname; my $translation = ""; if ($argnametrans =~ m!^([^:/\s]+)/([^:]*)$!) { $argname = $1; $translation = $2; } else { $argname = $argnametrans; } # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # This option has a non-Foomatic keyword, so this is not # a hidden option undef $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'hidden'}; # Store the values $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'comment'} = unhexify($translation, $dat->{"encoding"}); $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'group'} = $currentgroup; @{$dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'grouptrans'}} = @currentgrouptrans; # Set the argument type only if not defined yet, a # definition in "*FoomaticRIPOption" has priority if (!defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'type'})) { if ($argtype eq "PickOne") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'type'} = 'enum'; } elsif ($argtype eq "PickMany") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'type'} = 'pickmany'; } elsif ($argtype eq "Boolean") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'type'} = 'bool'; } } # Mark in which argument we are currently, so that we can find # the entries for the choices $currentargument = $argname; } elsif (m!^\*(JCL|)CloseUI:?\s+\*([^:/\s]+)\s*$!) { next if !$currentargument; # "*[JCL]CloseUI: *<option>" my $argname = $2; # Unmark the current argument to do not mis-interpret any # keywords as choices $currentargument = ""; } elsif ((m!^\*FoomaticRIPOption ([^/:\s]+):\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S)\s*$!) || (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOption ([^/:\s]+):\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S)\s+(\S+)\s*$!)){ # "*FoomaticRIPOption <option>: <type> <style> <spot> [<order>]" # <order> only used for 1-choice enum options my $argname = $1; my $argtype = $2; my $argstyle = $3; my $spot = $4; my $order = $5; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the values $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'type'} = $argtype; if ($argstyle eq "PS") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'style'} = 'G'; } elsif ($argstyle eq "CmdLine") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'style'} = 'C'; } elsif ($argstyle eq "JCL") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'style'} = 'J'; $dat->{'jcl'} = 1; $dat->{'pjl'} = 1; } elsif ($argstyle eq "Composite") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'style'} = 'X'; } $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'spot'} = $spot; # $order only defined here for 1-choice enum options if ($order) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'order'} = $order; } } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype\s+([^/:\s]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype <option>: <code>" # Used for numerical and string options only my $argname = $1; my $line = $2; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $proto = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $proto .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $proto .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $proto .= $1; $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'proto'} = unhtmlify($proto); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionRange\s+([^/:\s]+):\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionRange <option>: <min> <max>" # Used for numerical options only my $argname = $1; my $min = $2; my $max = $3; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the values $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'min'} = $min; $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'max'} = $max; } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength\s+([^/:\s]+):\s*(\S+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength <option>: <length>" # Used for string options only my $argname = $1; my $maxlength = $2; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'maxlength'} = $maxlength; } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars\s+([^/:\s]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars <option>: <code>" # Used for string options only my $argname = $1; my $line = $2; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'allowedchars'} = unhtmlify($code); } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedRegExp\s+([^/:\s]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedRegExp <option>: <code>" # Used for string options only my $argname = $1; my $line = $2; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'allowedregexp'} = unhtmlify($code); } elsif (m!^\*OrderDependency:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\*([^:/\s]+)\s*$!) { next if !$currentargument; # "*OrderDependency: <order> <section> *<option>" my $order = $1; my $section = $2; my $argname = $3; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # This option has a non-Foomatic keyword, so this is not # a hidden option undef $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'hidden'}; # Store the values $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'order'} = $order; $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'section'} = $section; } elsif (m!^\*Default([^/:\s]+):\s*([^/:\s]+)\s*$!) { # "*Default<option>: <value>" my $argname = $1; my $default = $2; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'default'} = $default; } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPDefault([^/:\s]+):\s*([^/:\s]+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: <value>" # Used for numerical options only my $argname = $1; my $default = $2; # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Store the value $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'fdefault'} = $default; } elsif (m!^\*$currentargument\s+([^:]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) { next if !$currentargument; # "*<option> <choice>[/<translation>]: <code>" my $settingtrans = $1; my $line = $2; my $translation = ""; my $setting = ""; if ($settingtrans =~ m!^([^:/\s]+)/([^:]*)$!) { $setting = $1; $translation = $2; } else { $setting = $settingtrans; } $translation = unhexify($translation, $dat->{"encoding"}); # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $currentargument); # This option has a non-Foomatic keyword, so this is not # a hidden option undef $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'hidden'}; # Make sure that the setting is in the data structure (enum # options) my $bool = ($dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'type'} eq 'bool'); if ($bool) { if (lc($setting) eq "true") { if (!$dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'comment'}) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'comment'} = $translation; } $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'comment_true'} = $translation; } else { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'comment_false'} = $translation; } } else { checksetting ($dat, $currentargument, $setting); $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'comment'} = $translation; # Make sure that this argument has a default setting, even # if none is defined in this PPD file if (!defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'default'}) || ($dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'default'} eq "")) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'default'} = $setting; } } # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; if ($code !~ m!^%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting!) { if ($bool) { if (lc($setting) eq "true") { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'proto'} = $code; } else { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'protof'} = $code; } } else { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$currentargument}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'driverval'} = $code; } } } elsif ((m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting\s+([^/:=\s]+)=([^/:=\s]+):\s*\"(.*)$!) || (m!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting\s+([^/:=\s]+):\s*\"(.*)$!)) { # "*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting <option>[=<choice>]: <code>" # For boolean options <choice> is not given my $argname = $1; my $setting = $2; my $line = $3; my $bool = 0; if (!$line) { $line = $setting; $bool = 1; } # Make sure that the argument is in the data structure checkarg ($dat, $argname); # Make sure that the setting is in the data structure (enum # options) if (!$bool) { checksetting ($dat, $argname, $setting); # Make sure that this argument has a default setting, even # if none is defined in this PPD file if (!$dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'default'}) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'default'} = $setting; } } # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; if ($bool) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'proto'} = unhtmlify($code); } else { $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}{'driverval'} = unhtmlify($code); } } elsif (m!^\*JCL(Begin|ToPSInterpreter|End):\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*JCL(Begin|ToPSInterpreter|End): <code>" # The printer supports PJL/JCL when there is such a line $dat->{'jcl'} = 1; $dat->{'pjl'} = 1; my $item = $1; my $line = $2; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $code = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $code .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $code .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $i ++; $line = $ppd->[$i]; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $code .= $1; $code = unhexify($code, $dat->{"encoding"}); if ($item eq 'Begin') { $dat->{'jclbegin'} = $code; } elsif ($item eq 'ToPSInterpreter') { $dat->{'jcltointerpreter'} = $code; } elsif ($item eq 'End') { $dat->{'jclend'} = $code; } } elsif (m!^\*\% COMDATA \#(.*)$!) { # If we have an old Foomatic 2.0.x PPD file, collect its Perl # data push (@datablob, $1); #} elsif (m!(laser|toner)!i) { # $dat->{'type'} = "laser"; #} elsif (m!(ink|nozzle)!i) { # $dat->{'type'} ||= "inkjet"; } } # If we have an old Foomatic 2.0.x PPD file use its Perl data structure if ($#datablob >= 0) { my $VAR1; if (eval join('',@datablob)) { # Overtake default settings from the main structure of the # PPD file for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { if ($arg->{'default'}) { $VAR1->{'argsbyname'}{$arg->{'name'}}{'default'} = $arg->{'default'}; } } undef $dat; $dat = $VAR1; $dat->{'jcl'} = $dat->{'pjl'}; $isfoomatic = 1; } else { # Perl structure broken warn "\nUnable to evaluate datablob, print jobs may come " . "out incorrectly or not at all.\n\n"; } } # Set manufacturer and model fields if (defined($dat->{'ppdmanufacturer'})) { $dat->{'make'} = $dat->{'ppdmanufacturer'}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'general_mfg'})) { $dat->{'make'} = $dat->{'general_mfg'}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'makemodel'})) { ($dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}) = guessmake($dat->{'makemodel'}); $dat->{'model'} =~ s/^(.*?)\s*(,|Foomatic|CUPS|\(?\d+\.\d+\)?)/$1/i; } if (defined($dat->{'ppdmodelname'})) { (my $dummy, $dat->{'model'}) = guessmake($dat->{'ppdmodelname'}); } elsif (defined($dat->{'ppdproduct'}) && (scaler(@{$dat->{'ppdproduct'}}) == 1)) { $dat->{'model'} = $dat->{'ppdproduct'}[0]; } elsif (!$dat->{'model'} && defined($dat->{'general_mdl'})) { $dat->{'model'} = $dat->{'general_mdl'}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'ppdproduct'})) { $dat->{'model'} = $dat->{'ppdproduct'}[0]; } $dat->{'make'} = clean_manufacturer_name($dat->{'make'}); $dat->{'model'} = clean_manufacturer_name($dat->{'model'}); ($dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}) = guessmake($dat->{'model'}) if !$dat->{'make'}; $dat->{'model'} =~ s/^\s*$dat->{'make'}\s+//i; $dat->{'model'} = clean_model_name($dat->{'model'}); # Generate a device ID if none was supplied. The PPD specs # expect the make and model of the device ID in the *Manufacturer # and *Product fields of the PPD. $dat->{'general_mfg'} = $dat->{'ppdmanufacturer'} if $dat->{'ppdmanufacturer'} && !$dat->{'general_mfg'}; $dat->{'general_mdl'} = $dat->{'ppdproduct'}[0] if $dat->{'ppdproduct'} && !$dat->{'general_mdl'}; $dat->{'general_ieee'} = "MFG:" . $dat->{'general_mfg'} . ";MDL:" . $dat->{'general_mdl'} . ";" if $dat->{'general_mfg'} && $dat->{'general_mdl'} && !$dat->{'general_ieee'}; # Generate the Foomatic printer ID $dat->{'id'} = generatepid($dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}) if !$dat->{'id'}; # Find out printer's page description languages and suitable drivers apply_driver_and_pdl_info($dat, $parameters); # Find the maximum resolution if (defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{'Resolution'})) { my $maxres = 0; my $maxxres = 0; my $maxyres = 0; for my $reschoice (keys(%{$dat->{'args_byname'}{'Resolution'}{'vals_byname'}})) { my $r; my $x; my $y; if ($reschoice =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)dpi$/i) { $x = $1; $y = $2; } elsif ($reschoice =~ /^(\d+)dpi$/i) { $x = $1; $y = $x; } $r = $x * $y; if ($r >= $maxres) { $maxres = $r; $maxxres = $x; $maxyres = $y } } if ($maxres == 0) { if (defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{'Resolution'}{'default'})) { my $res = $dat->{'args_byname'}{'Resolution'}{'default'}; if ($res =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)dpi$/i) { $dat->{'maxxres'} = $1; $dat->{'maxyres'} = $2; } elsif ($res =~ /^(\d+)dpi$/i) { $dat->{'maxxres'} = $1; $dat->{'maxyres'} = $dat->{'maxxres'}; } } } else { $dat->{'maxxres'} = $maxxres; $dat->{'maxyres'} = $maxyres; } } if ($dat->{'maxpaperwidth'}) { my $wi = sprintf("%.1f", $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} / 72); my $wc = sprintf("%.1f", $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} / 72 * 2.54); my $wcomm = ($dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} < 280 ? "Label/Card printer" : ($dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} < 600 ? "Photo printer" : ($dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} < 800 ? "Standard format printer" : ($dat->{'maxpaperwidth'} < 1500 ? "Wide format printer" : "Large format printer")))); $dat->{'comment'} .= " Maximum paper width: " . $wi . " inches / " . $wc . " cm\n" . " (" . $wcomm . ")<p>\n\n" if $dat->{'maxpaperwidth'}; } $dat->{'comment'} .= " Printing engine speed: " . $dat->{'throughput'} . " pages/min<p>\n\n" if defined($dat->{'throughput'}) && ($dat->{'throughput'} > 1); # Set the defaults for the numerical options, taking into account # the "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: <value>" if they apply numericaldefaults($dat); # Some clean-up checklongnames($dat); generalentries($dat); return $dat; } sub generatepid { # Generate the Foomatic printer ID my ($mk, $md) = @_; $mk =~ s/\s+/_/g; $mk =~ s/\+/plus/g; $mk =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\._]/_/g; $mk =~ s/_+/_/g; $mk =~ s/^_//; $mk =~ s/_$//; $md =~ s/\s+/_/g; $md =~ s/\+/plus/g; $md =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-]/_/g; $md =~ s/_+/_/g; $md =~ s/^_//; $md =~ s/_$//; return "$mk-$md"; } sub perltoxml { my ($this, $mode) = @_; my $dat = $this->{'dat'}; my $xml = ""; $xml .= "<foomatic>\n" if !$mode || ($mode =~ /^c/i); if (!$mode || ($mode =~ /^[cp]/i)) { $xml .= "<printer id=\"printer/" . $dat->{'id'} . "\">\n" . " <make>" . $dat->{'make'} . "</make>\n" . " <model>" . $dat->{'model'} . "</model>\n" . " <mechanism>\n" . ($dat->{'type'} ? " <" . $dat->{'type'} . "/>\n" : ()) . ($dat->{'color'} ? " <color/>\n" : ()) . ($dat->{'maxxres'} || $dat->{'maxyres'} ? " <resolution>\n" . " <dpi>\n" . ($dat->{'maxxres'} ? " <x>" . $dat->{'maxxres'} . "</x>\n" : ()) . ($dat->{'maxyres'} ? " <y>" . $dat->{'maxyres'} . "</y>\n" : ()) . " </dpi>\n" . " </resolution>\n" : ()) . " </mechanism>\n"; if (defined($dat->{'languages'}) || defined($dat->{'pjl'}) || defined($dat->{'ascii'})) { $xml .= " <lang>\n"; if (defined($dat->{'languages'})) { for my $lang (@{$dat->{'languages'}}) { $xml .= " <" . $lang->{'name'}; if ($lang->{'level'}) { $xml .= " level=\"" . $lang->{'level'} . "\" "; } $xml .= "/>\n"; } } if (defined($dat->{'pjl'})) { $xml .= " <pjl />\n"; } if (defined($dat->{'ascii'})) { $xml .= " <text>\n"; $xml .= " <charset>us-ascii</charset>\n"; $xml .= " </text>\n"; } $xml .= " </lang>\n"; } if (defined($dat->{'general_ieee'}) || defined($dat->{'general_mfg'}) || defined($dat->{'general_mdl'}) || defined($dat->{'general_des'}) || defined($dat->{'general_cmd'})) { $xml .= " <autodetect>\n"; $xml .= " <general>\n"; $xml .= " <ieee1284>" . $dat->{'general_ieee'} . "</ieee1284>\n" if defined($dat->{'general_ieee'}); $xml .= " <manufacturer>" . $dat->{'general_mfg'} . "</manufacturer>\n" if defined($dat->{'general_mfg'}); $xml .= " <model>" . $dat->{'general_mdl'} . "</model>\n" if defined($dat->{'general_mdl'}); $xml .= " <description>" . $dat->{'general_des'} . "</description>\n" if defined($dat->{'general_des'}); $xml .= " <commandset>" . $dat->{'general_cmd'} . "</commandset>\n" if defined($dat->{'general_cmd'}); $xml .= " </general>\n"; $xml .= " </autodetect>\n"; } $xml .= " <functionality>" . $dat->{'functionality'} . "</functionality>\n" if defined($dat->{'functionality'}); $xml .= " <driver>" . $dat->{'driver'} . "</driver>\n" if defined($dat->{'driver'}); if (defined($dat->{'drivers'})) { $xml .= " <drivers>\n"; for my $drv (@{$dat->{'drivers'}}) { $xml .= " <driver>\n"; $xml .= " <id>" . $drv->{'id'} . "</id>\n" if defined($drv->{'id'}); $xml .= " <ppd>" . $drv->{'ppd'} . "</ppd>\n" if defined($drv->{'ppd'}); $xml .= " </driver>\n"; } $xml .= " </drivers>\n"; } $xml .= " <unverified />\n" if $dat->{'unverified'}; $xml .= " <comments>\n" . " <en>\n"; $xml .= htmlify($dat->{'comment'}) . "\n" if $dat->{'comment'}; $xml .= " </en>\n" . " </comments>\n" . "</printer>\n"; } if (!$mode || ($mode =~ /^[cd]/i)) { $xml .= "<driver id=\"driver/" . $dat->{'driver'} . "\">\n" . " <name>" . $dat->{'driver'} . "</name>\n" . " <execution>\n" . " <filter />\n" . " <prototype>" . $dat->{'cmd'} . "</prototype>\n" . $dat->{'cmd_pdf'} ? " <prototype_pdf>" . $dat->{'cmd_pdf'} . "</prototype_pdf>\n" : "" . " </execution>\n" . "</driver>\n\n"; } if (!$mode || ($mode =~ /^c/i)) { $xml .= "<options>\n"; foreach (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { my $type = $_->{'type'}; my $optname = $_->{'name'}; $xml .= " <option type=\"$type\" " . "id=\"opt/" . $dat->{'driver'} . "-" . $optname . "\">\n"; $xml .= " <arg_longname>\n" . " <en>" . $_->{'comment'} . "</en>\n" . " </arg_longname>\n" . " <arg_shortname>\n" . " <en>" . $_->{'name'} . "</en>\n" . " </arg_shortname>\n" . " <arg_execution>\n"; $xml .= " <arg_group>" . $_->{'group'} . "</arg_group>\n" if $_->{'group'}; $xml .= " <arg_order>" . $_->{'order'} . "</arg_order>\n" if $_->{'order'}; $xml .= " <arg_spot>" . $_->{'spot'} . "</arg_spot>\n" if $_->{'spot'}; $xml .= " <arg_proto>" . $_->{'proto'} . "</arg_proto>\n" if $_->{'proto'}; $xml .= " </arg_execution>\n"; if ($type eq 'enum') { $xml .= " <enum_vals>\n"; my $vals_byname = $_->{'vals_byname'}; foreach (keys(%{$vals_byname})) { my $val = $vals_byname->{$_}; $xml .= " <enum_val id=\"ev/" . $dat->{'driver'} . "-" . $optname . "-" . $_ . "\">\n"; $xml .= " <ev_longname>\n" . " <en>" . $val->{'comment'} . "</en>\n" . " </ev_longname>\n" . " <ev_shortname>\n" . " <en>$_</en>\n" . " </ev_shortname>\n"; $xml .= " <ev_driverval>" . $val->{'driverval'} . "</ev_driverval>\n" if $val->{'driverval'}; $xml .= " </enum_val>\n"; } $xml .= " </enum_vals>\n"; } $xml .= " </option>\n"; } $xml .= "</options>\n"; $xml .= "</foomatic>\n"; } return $xml; } sub ppdgetdefaults { # Read a PPD and get only the defaults and the postpipe. my ($this, $ppdfile) = @_; # Open the PPD file open PPD, ($ppdfile !~ /\.gz$/i ? "< $ppdfile" : "$sysdeps->{'gzip'} -cd \'$ppdfile\' |") or die ("Unable to open PPD file \'$ppdfile\'\n"); # We don't read the "COMDATA" lines of old Foomatic 2.0.x PPD files # here, because the defaults in the main PPD structure have priority. while(<PPD>) { # Foomatic should also work with PPD file downloaded under # Windows. $_ = undossify($_); # Parse keywords if (m!^\*FoomaticRIPPostPipe:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPPostPipe: <code>" my $line = $1; # Store the value # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them my $cmd = ""; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { if ($line =~ m!&&$!) { # line continues in next line $cmd .= substr($line, 0, -2); } else { # line ends here $cmd .= "$line\n"; } # Read next line $line = <PPD>; chomp $line; } $line =~ m!^([^\"]*)\"!; $cmd .= $1; $this->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = unhtmlify($cmd); } elsif (m!^\*Default([^/:\s]+):\s*([^/:\s]+)\s*$!) { # "*Default<option>: <value>" my $argname = $1; my $default = $2; if (defined($this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{$argname})) { # Store the value $this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'default'} = $default; } } elsif (m!^\*FoomaticRIPDefault([^/:\s]+):\s*([^/:\s]+)\s*$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: <value>" # Used for numerical options only my $argname = $1; my $default = $2; if (defined($this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{$argname})) { # Store the value $this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'fdefault'} = $default; } } } close PPD; # Set the defaults for the numerical options, taking into account # the "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: <value>" if they apply # similar to other places in the code numericaldefaults($this->{'dat'}); } sub ppdvarsetdefaults { my ($this, @ppdlinesin) = @_; my @ppdlines; my $ppd; for (my $i = 0; $i < @ppdlinesin; $i ++) { my $line = $ppdlinesin[$i]; # Remove a postpipe definition if one is there if ($line =~ m!^\*FoomaticRIPPostPipe:\s*\"(.*)$!) { # "*FoomaticRIPPostPipe: <code>" # Code string can have multiple lines, read all of them $line = $1; while ($line !~ m!\"!) { # Read next line $i++; $line = $ppdlinesin[$i]; } # We also have to remove the "*End" line $i++; $line = $ppdlinesin[$i]; if ($line !~ /^\*End/) { push(@ppdlines, $line); } } else { push(@ppdlines, $line); } } $ppd = join('', @ppdlines); # No option info read yet? Do not try to set deafaults return $ppd if !$this->{'dat'}{'args'}; # If the settings for "PageSize" and "PageRegion" are different, # set the one for "PageRegion" to the one for "PageSize". if ($this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'default'} ne $this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{'default'}) { $this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{'default'} = $this->{'dat'}{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'default'} } # Numerical options: Set the "classical" default values # ("*Default<option>: <value>") to the value enumerated in the # list which is closest to the current default value. setnumericaldefaults($this->{'dat'}); # Set the defaults in the PPD file to the current default # settings in the data structure for my $arg (@{$this->{'dat'}{'args'}}) { if (defined($arg->{'default'})) { my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $def = $arg->{'default'}; if ($arg->{'type'} eq 'bool') { if ((lc($def) eq '1') || (lc($def) eq 'on') || (lc($def) eq 'yes') || (lc($def) eq 'true')) { $def='True'; } elsif ((lc($def) eq '0') || (lc($def) eq 'off') || (lc($def) eq 'no') || (lc($def) eq 'false')) { $def='False'; } $def = (checkoptionvalue($this->{'dat'}, $name, $def, 1) ? 'True' : 'False'); } elsif ($arg->{'type'} =~ /^(int|float)$/) { if (defined($arg->{'cdefault'})) { $def = $arg->{'cdefault'}; undef $arg->{'cdefault'}; } my $fdef = $arg->{'default'}; $fdef = checkoptionvalue($this->{'dat'}, $name, $fdef, 1); $ppd =~ s!^(\*FoomaticRIPDefault$name:\s*)([^/:\s\r]*)(\s*\r?)$!$1$fdef$3!m; $def = checkoptionvalue($this->{'dat'}, $name, $def, 1); } elsif ($arg->{'type'} =~ /^(string|password)$/) { $def = checkoptionvalue($this->{'dat'}, $name, $def, 1); # An empty string cannot be an option name in a PPD file, # use "None" in this case, also substitute non-word characters # in the string to get a legal option name my $defcom = $def; my $defstr = $def; if ($def !~ /\S/) { $def = 'None'; $defcom = '(None)'; $defstr = ''; } elsif ($def eq 'None') { $defcom = '(None)'; $defstr = ''; } else { $def =~ s/\W+/_/g; $def =~ s/^_+|_+$//g; $def = '_' if ($def eq ''); $defcom =~ s/:/ /g; $defcom =~ s/^ +| +$//g; } # The default string is not available as an enumerated choice # ... if (($ppd !~ m!^\s*\*$arg->{name}\s+${def}[/:]!m) && ($ppd !~ m!^\s*\*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting\s+$arg->{name}=${def}:!m)) { # ... build an appropriate PPD entry ... my $sprintfproto = $arg->{'proto'}; $sprintfproto =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; my $driverval = sprintf($sprintfproto, $defstr); my ($choicedef, $fchoicedef); if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G') { # PostScript option $choicedef = sprintf("*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"", $name, $def, $defcom, $driverval); } else { my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting %s=%s", $name, $def); $fchoicedef = ripdirective($header, $driverval); if ($#{$arg->{'vals'}} >= 0) { # Visible non-PS option $choicedef = sprintf("*%s %s/%s: " . "\"%%%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting " . "%s=%s\"", $name, $def, $defcom, $name, $def); } } if ($choicedef =~ /\n/s) { $choicedef .= "\n*End"; } if ($fchoicedef =~ /\n/s) { $fchoicedef .= "\n*End"; } if ($#{$arg->{'vals'}} == 0) { # ... and if there is only one choice, replace the one # choice $ppd =~ s!^\*$name\s+.*?\".*?\"(\r?\n?\*End)?$!$choicedef!sm; $ppd =~ s!^\*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting\s+$name=.*?\".*?\"(\r?\n?\*End)?$!$fchoicedef!sm; } else { # ... and if there is no choice or more than one # choice, add a new choice for the default my $entrystr = ($choicedef ? "\n$choicedef" : "") . ($fchoicedef ? "\n$fchoicedef" : ""); for my $l ("Default$name:.*", "OrderDependency.*$name", "FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength\\s+$name:.*", "FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype\\s+$name:.*", "FoomaticRIPOption\\s+$name:.*") { $ppd =~ s!^(\*$l)$!$1$entrystr!m and last; } } } } else { $def = checkoptionvalue($this->{'dat'}, $name, $def, 0); } $ppd =~ s!^(\*Default$name:\s*)([^/:\s\r]*)(\s*\r?)$!$1$def$3!m if defined($def); } } # Update the postpipe if ($this->{'dat'}{'postpipe'}) { my $header = "*FoomaticRIPPostPipe"; my $code = $this->{'dat'}{'postpipe'}; my $postpipestr = ripdirective($header, $code) . "\n"; if ($postpipestr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $postpipestr .= "*End\n"; } #$ppd =~ s/(\*PPD[^a-zA-Z0-9].*\n)/$1$postpipestr/s; $ppd =~ s/((\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n))/$1$postpipestr/s; } return $ppd; } sub ppdsetdefaults { my ($this, $ppdfile) = @_; # Load the complete PPD file into memory open PPD, ($ppdfile !~ /\.gz$/i ? "< $ppdfile" : "$sysdeps->{'gzip'} -cd \'$ppdfile\' |") or die ("Unable to open PPD file \'$ppdfile\'\n"); my @ppdlines = <PPD>; close PPD; # Set the defaults my $ppd = $this->ppdvarsetdefaults(@ppdlines); # Write back the modified PPD file open PPD, ($ppdfile !~ /\.gz$/i ? "> $ppdfile" : "| $sysdeps->{'gzip'} > \'$ppdfile\'") or die ("Unable to open PPD file \'$ppdfile\' for writing\n"); print PPD $ppd; close PPD; } # Some helper functions for reading the PPD file sub unhtmlify { # Replace HTML/XML entities by the original characters my $str = $_[0]; $str =~ s/\'/\'/g; $str =~ s/\"/\"/g; $str =~ s/\>/\>/g; $str =~ s/\</\</g; $str =~ s/\&/\&/g; return $str; } sub unhexify { # Replace hex notation for unprintable characters in PPD files # by the actual characters ex: "<0A>" --> chr(hex("0A")) my ($input, $encoding) = @_; my $output = ""; my $hexmode = 0; my $hexstring = ""; my $encoded = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < length($input); $i ++) { my $c = substr($input, $i, 1); if ($hexmode) { if ($c eq ">") { # End of hex string $encoded = ''; for (my $i=0; $i < length($hexstring); $i+=2) { $encoded .= chr(hex(substr($hexstring, $i, 2))); } $output .= decode($encoding, $encoded); $hexmode = 0; } elsif ($c =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]$/) { # Hexadecimal digit, two of them give a character $hexstring .= $c; } } else { if ($c eq "<") { # Beginning of hex string $hexmode = 1; $hexstring = ""; } else { # Normal character $output .= $c; } } } return $output; } sub undossify { # Remove "dossy" line ends ("\r\n") from a string my ($str) = @_; $str = "" if( !defined($str) ); $str =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs; $str =~ s/\r$//s; return $str; } sub checkarg { # Check if there is already an argument record $argname in $dat, if not, # create one my ($dat, $argname) = @_; return if defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}); # argument record my $rec; $rec->{'name'} = $argname; # Insert record in 'args' array for browsing all arguments push(@{$dat->{'args'}}, $rec); # 'args_byname' hash for looking up arguments by name $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname} = $dat->{'args'}[$#{$dat->{'args'}}]; # Default execution style is 'G' (PostScript) since all arguments for # which we don't find "*Foomatic..." keywords are usual PostScript # options $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'style'} = 'G'; # Default prototype for code to insert, used by enum options $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'proto'} = '%s'; # Mark option as hidden by default, as options consisting of only Foomatic # keywords are hidden. As soon as the PPD parser finds a non-Foomatic # keyword, it removes this mark $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'hidden'} = 1; } sub checksetting { # Check if there is already a choice record $setting in the $argname # argument in $dat, if not, create one my ($dat, $argname, $setting) = @_; return if defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals_byname'}{$setting}); # setting record my $rec; $rec->{'value'} = $setting; # Insert record in 'vals' array for browsing all settings push(@{$dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals'}}, $rec); # 'vals_byname' hash for looking up settings by name $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals_byname'}{$setting} = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals'}[$#{$dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}{'vals'}}]; } sub removearg { # remove the argument record $argname from $dat my ($dat, $argname) = @_; return if !defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}); # Remove 'args_byname' hash for looking up arguments by name delete $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}; # Remove argument itself for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dat->{'args'}}; $i ++) { if ($dat->{'args'}[$i]{'name'} eq $argname) { splice(@{$dat->{'args'}}, $i, 1); last; } } } sub booltoenum { # Turn the boolean argument $argname from $dat to an enumerated choice # equivalent to the original argument my ($dat, $argname) = @_; return if !defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}); # Argument record my $arg = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}; # General settings $arg->{'type'} = 'enum'; my $proto = $arg->{'proto'}; $arg->{'proto'} = '%s'; # Choice for 'true' if (!defined($arg->{'name_true'})) { $arg->{'name_true'} = $arg->{'name'}; } checksetting($dat, $argname, 'true'); my $truechoice = $arg->{'vals_byname'}{'true'}; $truechoice->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name_true'}); $truechoice->{'driverval'} = $proto; # Choice for 'false' if (!defined($arg->{'name_false'})) { $arg->{'name_false'} = "no$arg->{'name'}"; } checksetting($dat, $argname, 'false'); my $falsechoice = $arg->{'vals_byname'}{'false'}; $falsechoice->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name_false'}); $falsechoice->{'driverval'} = ''; # Default value if ($arg->{'default'} eq '0') { $arg->{'default'} = 'false'; } else { $arg->{'default'} = 'true'; } } sub checkoptionvalue { ## This function checks whether a given value is valid for a given ## option. If yes, it returns a cleaned value (e. g. always 0 or 1 ## for boolean options), otherwise "undef". If $forcevalue is set, ## we always determine a corrected value to insert (we never return ## "undef"). # Is $value valid for the option named $argname? my ($dat, $argname, $value, $forcevalue) = @_; # Record for option $argname my $arg = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}; if ($arg->{'type'} eq 'bool') { if ((lc($value) eq 'true') || (lc($value) eq 'on') || (lc($value) eq 'yes') || (lc($value) eq '1')) { return 1; } elsif ((lc($value) eq 'false') || (lc($value) eq 'off') || (lc($value) eq 'no') || (lc($value) eq '0')) { return 0; } elsif ($forcevalue) { # This maps Unknown to mean False. Good? Bad? # It was done so in Foomatic 2.0.x, too. return 0; } } elsif ($arg->{'type'} eq 'enum') { if ($arg->{'vals_byname'}{$value}) { return $value; } elsif ((($arg->{'name'} eq "PageSize") || ($arg->{'name'} eq "PageRegion")) && (defined($arg->{'vals_byname'}{'Custom'})) && ($value =~ m!^Custom\.([\d\.]+)x([\d\.]+)([A-Za-z]*)$!)) { # Custom paper size return $value; } elsif ($forcevalue) { # wtf!? that's not a choice! # Return the first entry of the list my $firstentry = $arg->{'vals'}[0]{'value'}; return $firstentry; } } elsif (($arg->{'type'} eq 'int') || ($arg->{'type'} eq 'float')) { if (($value <= $arg->{'max'}) && ($value >= $arg->{'min'})) { return $value; } elsif ($forcevalue) { my $newvalue; if ($value > $arg->{'max'}) { $newvalue = $arg->{'max'} } elsif ($value < $arg->{'min'}) { $newvalue = $arg->{'min'} } return $newvalue; } } elsif (($arg->{'type'} eq 'string') || ($arg->{'type'} eq 'password')) { if (defined($arg->{'vals_byname'}{$value})) { return $value; } elsif (stringvalid($dat, $argname, $value)) { # Check whether the string is one of the enumerated choices my $sprintfproto = $arg->{'proto'}; $sprintfproto =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; my $driverval = sprintf($sprintfproto, $value); for my $val (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { if (($val->{'driverval'} eq $driverval) || ($val->{'driverval'} eq $value)) { return $val->{value}; } } # No matching choice? Return the original string return $value; } elsif ($forcevalue) { my $str = substr($value, 0, $arg->{'maxlength'}); if (stringvalid($dat, $argname, $str)) { return $str; } elsif ($#{$arg->{'vals'}} >= 0) { # First list item my $firstentry = $arg->{'vals'}[0]{'value'}; return $firstentry; } else { # Empty string return 'None'; } } } return undef; } sub stringvalid { ## Checks whether a user-supplied value for a string option is valid ## It must be within the length limit, should only contain allowed ## characters and match the given regexp # Option and string my ($dat, $argname, $value) = @_; my $arg = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$argname}; # Maximum length return 0 if (defined($arg->{'maxlength'}) && (length($value) > $arg->{'maxlength'})); # Allowed characters if ($arg->{'allowedchars'}) { my $chars = $arg->{'allowedchars'}; $chars =~ s/(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)\//$2\\\//g; return 0 if $value !~ /^[$chars]*$/; } # Regular expression if ($arg->{'allowedregexp'}) { my $regexp = $arg->{'allowedregexp'}; $regexp =~ s/(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)\//$2\\\//g; return 0 if $value !~ /$regexp/; } # All checks passed return 1; } sub checkoptions { ## Let the values of a boolean option being 0 or 1 instead of ## "True" or "False", range-check the defaults of all options and ## issue warnings if the values are not valid # Option set to be examined my ($dat, $optionset) = @_; for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { if (defined($arg->{$optionset})) { $arg->{$optionset} = checkoptionvalue ($dat, $arg->{'name'}, $arg->{$optionset}, 1); } } # If the settings for "PageSize" and "PageRegion" are different, # set the one for "PageRegion" to the one for "PageSize". if ($dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{$optionset} ne $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{$optionset}) { $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}{$optionset} = $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{$optionset}; } } # If the PageSize or PageRegion was changed, also change the other sub syncpagesize { # Name and value of the option we set, and the option set where we # did the change my ($dat, $name, $value, $optionset) = @_; # Don't do anything if we were called with an option other than # "PageSize" or "PageRegion" return if (($name ne "PageSize") && ($name ne "PageRegion")); # Don't do anything if not both "PageSize" and "PageRegion" exist return if ((!defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'})) || (!defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageRegion'}))); my $dest; # "PageSize" --> "PageRegion" if ($name eq "PageSize") { $dest = "PageRegion"; } # "PageRegion" --> "PageSize" if ($name eq "PageRegion") { $dest = "PageSize"; } # Do it! my $val; if ($val=valbyname($dat->{'args_byname'}{$dest}, $value)) { # Standard paper size $dat->{'args_byname'}{$dest}{$optionset} = $val->{'value'}; } elsif ($val=valbyname($dat->{'args_byname'}{$dest}, "Custom")) { # Custom paper size $dat->{'args_byname'}{$dest}{$optionset} = $value; } } sub sortoptions { my ($dat, $only_options) = @_; # The following stuff is very awkward to implement in C, so we do # it here. # Sort options with "sortargs" function my @sortedarglist = sort sortargs @{$dat->{'args'}}; @{$dat->{'args'}} = @sortedarglist; return if $only_options; # Sort values of enumerated options with "sortvals" function for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { next if $arg->{'type'} !~ /^(enum|string|password)$/; my @sortedvalslist = sort sortvals keys(%{$arg->{'vals_byname'}}); @{$arg->{'vals'}} = (); for my $i (@sortedvalslist) { my $val = $arg->{'vals_byname'}{$i}; push (@{$arg->{'vals'}}, $val); } } } sub numericaldefaults { my ($dat) = @_; # Adobe's PPD specs do not support numerical # options. Therefore the numerical options are mapped to # enumerated options in the PPD file and their characteristics # as a numerical option are stored in "*Foomatic..." # keywords. Especially a default value between the enumerated # fixed values can be used as the default value. Then this # value must be given by a "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: # <value>" line in the PPD file. But this value is only valid, # if the "official" default given by a "*Default<option>: # <value>" line (it must be one of the enumerated values) # points to the enumerated value which is closest to this # value. This way a user can select a default value with a # tool only supporting PPD files but not Foomatic extensions. # This tool only modifies the "*Default<option>: <value>" line # and if the "*FoomaticRIPDefault<option>: <value>" had always # priority, the user's change in "*Default<option>: <value>" # had no effect. for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { if ($arg->{'fdefault'}) { if ($arg->{'default'}) { if ($arg->{'type'} =~ /^(int|float)$/) { if ($arg->{'fdefault'} < $arg->{'min'}) { $arg->{'fdefault'} = $arg->{'min'}; } if ($arg->{'fdefault'} > $arg->{'max'}) { $arg->{'fdefault'} = $arg->{'max'}; } my $mindiff = abs($arg->{'max'} - $arg->{'min'}); my $closestvalue; for my $val (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { if (abs($arg->{'fdefault'} - $val->{'value'}) < $mindiff) { $mindiff = abs($arg->{'fdefault'} - $val->{'value'}); $closestvalue = $val->{'value'}; } } if (($arg->{'default'} == $closestvalue) || (abs($arg->{'default'} - $closestvalue) / $closestvalue < 0.001)) { $arg->{'default'} = $arg->{'fdefault'}; } } } else { $arg->{'default'} = $arg->{'fdefault'}; } } } } sub setnumericaldefaults { my ($dat) = @_; for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { if ($arg->{'default'}) { if ($arg->{'type'} =~ /^(int|float)$/) { if ($arg->{'default'} < $arg->{'min'}) { $arg->{'default'} = $arg->{'min'}; $arg->{'cdefault'} = $arg->{'default'}; } elsif ($arg->{'default'} > $arg->{'max'}) { $arg->{'default'} = $arg->{'max'}; $arg->{'cdefault'} = $arg->{'default'}; } elsif (defined($arg->{'vals_byname'}{$arg->{'default'}})) { $arg->{'cdefault'} = $arg->{'default'}; } else { my $mindiff = abs($arg->{'max'} - $arg->{'min'}); my $closestvalue; for my $val (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { if (abs($arg->{'default'} - $val->{'value'}) < $mindiff) { $mindiff = abs($arg->{'default'} - $val->{'value'}); $closestvalue = $val->{'value'}; } } $arg->{'cdefault'} = $closestvalue; } } } } } sub generalentries { my ($dat) = @_; $dat->{'compiled-at'} = localtime(time()); $dat->{'timestamp'} = time(); my $user = `whoami`; chomp $user; my $host = `hostname`; chomp $host; $dat->{'compiled-by'} = "$user\@$host"; } sub checklongnames { my ($dat) = @_; # Add missing longnames/translations for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { if (!($arg->{'comment'})) { $arg->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name'}); } for my $i (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { if (!($i->{'comment'})) { $i->{'comment'} = longname($i->{'value'}); } } } } sub cutguiname { # If $shortgui is set and $str is longer than 39 characters, return the # first 39 characters of $str, otherwise the complete $str. my ($str, $shortgui) = @_; if (($shortgui) && (length($str) > 39)) { return substr($str, 0, 39); } else { return $str; } } sub deviceIDfromDBEntry { my ($dat) = @_; # Complete IEEE 1284 ID string? my $ieee1284; $ieee1284 = $dat->{'general_ieee'} or $ieee1284 = $dat->{'pnp_ieee'} or $ieee1284 = $dat->{'par_ieee'} or $ieee1284 = $dat->{'usb_ieee'} or $ieee1284 = $dat->{'snmp_ieee'} or $ieee1284 = ""; # Extract data fields from the ID string my $ieeemake; my $ieeemodel; my $ieeecmd; my $ieeedes; if ($ieee1284) { $ieee1284 =~ /(MFG|MANUFACTURER):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; $ieeemake = $2; $ieee1284 =~ /(MDL|MODEL):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; $ieeemodel = $2; $ieee1284 =~ /(CMD|COMMANDS?\s*SET):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; $ieeecmd = $2; $ieee1284 =~ /(DES|DESCRIPTION):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; $ieeedes = $2; } # Auto-detection data listed field by field in the printer XML file? my $pnpmake; $pnpmake = $ieeemake or $pnpmake = $dat->{'general_mfg'} or $pnpmake = $dat->{'pnp_mfg'} or $pnpmake = $dat->{'par_mfg'} or $pnpmake = $dat->{'usb_mfg'} or $pnpmake = ""; my $pnpmodel; $pnpmodel = $ieeemodel or $pnpmodel = $dat->{'general_mdl'} or $pnpmodel = $dat->{'pnp_mdl'} or $pnpmodel = $dat->{'par_mdl'} or $pnpmodel = $dat->{'usb_mdl'} or $pnpmodel = ""; my $pnpcmd; $pnpcmd = $ieeecmd or $pnpcmd = $dat->{'general_cmd'} or $pnpcmd = $dat->{'pnp_cmd'} or $pnpcmd = $dat->{'par_cmd'} or $pnpcmd = $dat->{'usb_cmd'} or $pnpcmd = ""; my $pnpdescription; $pnpdescription = $ieeedes or $pnpdescription = $dat->{'general_des'} or $pnpdescription = $dat->{'pnp_des'} or $pnpdescription = $dat->{'par_des'} or $pnpdescription = $dat->{'usb_des'} or $pnpdescription = ""; if ((!$ieee1284) && ((($pnpmake) && ($pnpmodel)) || ($pnpdescription))){ $ieee1284 .= "MFG:$pnpmake;" if $pnpmake; $ieee1284 .= "MDL:$pnpmodel;" if $pnpmodel; $ieee1284 .= "CMD:$pnpcmd;" if $pnpcmd; $ieee1284 .= "DES:$pnpdescription;" if $pnpdescription; } return $ieee1284; } sub ppd1284DeviceID { # Clean up IEEE-1284 device ID to only contain the fields relevant # to printer model auto-detection (MFG, MDL, DES, CMD, SKU, DRV), thus # the line length limit of PPDs does not get exceeded on very long # ID strings. my ($id) = @_; my $ppdid = ""; foreach my $field ("(MFG|MANUFACTURER)", "(MDL|MODEL)", "(CMD|COMMANDS?\\s*SET)", "(DES|DESCRIPTION)", "SKU", "DRV") { if ($id =~ m/(\b$field:\s*[^:;]+;?)/is) { my $f = $1; $ppdid .= ";" if $ppdid && $ppdid !~ /;$/; $ppdid .= $f; } } return $ppdid; } sub getppdheaderdata { my ($dat, $driver, $recdriver) = @_; my $ieee1284 = deviceIDfromDBEntry($dat); # Add driver profile to device ID string, so we get it into the # PPD listing output of CUPS my @profileitems = (); my $profileelements = [["manufacturersupplied", "M"], ["obsolete", "O"], ["free", "F"], ["patents", "P"], ["supportcontacts", "S"], ["type", "T"], ["drvmaxresx", "X"], ["drvmaxresy", "Y"], ["drvcolor", "C"], ["text", "t"], ["lineart", "l"], ["graphics", "g"], ["photo", "p"], ["load", "d"], ["speed", "s"]]; my $drvfield = ''; foreach my $item (@{$profileelements}) { my ($perlkey, $devidkey) = @{$item}; if ($perlkey eq "manufacturersupplied") { my $ms; if (defined($dat->{$perlkey})) { $ms = $dat->{$perlkey}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey})) { $ms = $dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey}; } $drvfield .= "," . $devidkey . ($ms eq "1" ? "1" : ($dat->{make} =~ m,^($ms)$,i ? "1" : "0")); } elsif ($perlkey eq "supportcontacts") { my $sc; if (defined($dat->{$perlkey})) { $sc = $dat->{$perlkey}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey})) { $sc = $dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey}; } if ($sc) { my $commercial = 0; my $voluntary = 0; my $unknown = 0; foreach my $entry (@{$sc}) { if ($entry->{'level'} =~ /^commercial$/i) { $commercial = 1; } elsif ($entry->{'level'} =~ /^voluntary$/i) { $voluntary = 1; } else { $unknown = 1; } } $drvfield .= "," . $devidkey . ($commercial ? "c" : "") . ($voluntary ? "v" : "") . ($unknown ? "u" : ""); } } else { if (defined($dat->{$perlkey})) { $drvfield .= "," . $devidkey . $dat->{$perlkey}; } elsif (defined($dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey})) { $drvfield .= "," . $devidkey . $dat->{'driverproperties'}{$driver}{$perlkey}; } } } $ieee1284 .= ";" if $ieee1284 && $ieee1284 !~ /;$/; $ieee1284 .= "DRV:D$driver" . ($recdriver ? ($driver eq $recdriver ? ",R1" : ",R0") : "") . "$drvfield;"; # Remove everything from the device ID which is not relevant to # auto-detection of the printer model. $ieee1284 = ppd1284DeviceID($ieee1284) if $ieee1284; my $make = $dat->{'make'}; my $model = $dat->{'model'}; $ieee1284 =~ /(MFG|MANUFACTURER):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; my $pnpmake = $2; $pnpmake = $make if !$pnpmake; $ieee1284 =~ /(MDL|MODEL):\s*([^:;]+);?/i; my $pnpmodel = $2; $pnpmodel = $model if (!$pnpmodel) || ($pnpmodel eq $pnpmake); # File name for the PPD file my $filename = join('-',($dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}, $driver));; $filename =~ s![ /\(\)\,]!_!g; $filename =~ s![\+]!plus!g; $filename =~ s!__+!_!g; $filename =~ s!_$!!; $filename =~ s!^_!!; $filename =~ s!_-!-!; $filename =~ s!-_!-!; my $longname = "$filename.ppd"; # Driver name my $drivername = $driver; # Do we use the recommended driver? my $driverrecommended = ""; if ($driver eq $recdriver) { $driverrecommended = " (recommended)"; } # evil special case. $drivername = "stp-4.0" if $drivername eq 'stp'; # Nickname for the PPD file my $nickname = "$make $model Foomatic/$drivername$driverrecommended"; my $modelname = "$make $model"; # Remove forbidden characters (Adobe PPD spec 4.3 section 5.3) $modelname =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9 \.\/\-\+]//gs; return ($ieee1284,$pnpmake,$pnpmodel,$filename,$longname, $drivername,$nickname,$modelname); } # # PPD generation # # member( $a, @b ) returns 1 if $a is in @b, 0 otherwise. sub member { my $e = shift; foreach (@_) { $e eq $_ and return 1 } 0 }; sub setgroupandorder { # Set group of member options. Make also sure that the composite # option will be inserted into the PostScript code before all its # # members are inserted (by means of the section and the order # # number). # The composite option to be treated ($arg) my ($db, $arg, $members_in_subgroup) = @_; # The Perl data structure of the current printer/driver combo. my $dat = $db->{'dat'}; # Here we are only interested in composite options, skip the others return if $arg->{'style'} ne 'X'; my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $group = $arg->{'group'}; my $order = $arg->{'order'}; my $section = $arg->{'section'}; my @members = @{$arg->{'members'}}; for my $m (@members) { my $a = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$m}; # If $members_in_subgroup is set, the group should be a # subgroup of the group where the composite option is # located, named as the composite option. Otherwise the # group will get a new main group. if (($members_in_subgroup) && ($group)) { $a->{'group'} = "$group/$name"; } else { $a->{'group'} = "$name"; } # If the member is composite, call this function on it # recursively. This sets the groups of the members of this # composite member option and also sets the section and order # number of this composite member, so that we can set section # and order of the currently treated option $db->setgroupandorder($a, $members_in_subgroup) if $a->{'style'} eq 'X'; # Determine section and order number for the composite option # Order of the DSC sections of a PostScript file my @sectionorder = ("JCLSetup", "Prolog", "DocumentSetup", "AnySetup", "PageSetup"); # Set default for missing section value in member if (!defined($a->{'section'})) {$a->{'section'} = "AnySetup";} my $minsection; for my $s (@sectionorder) { if (($s eq $arg->{'section'}) || ($s eq $a->{'section'})) { $minsection = $s; last; } } # If the current member option is in an earlier section, # put also the composite option into it. Do never put the # composite option into the JCL setup because in the JCL # header PostScript comments are not allowed. $arg->{'section'} = ($minsection ne "JCLSetup" ? $minsection : "Prolog"); # Let the order number of the composite option be less # than the order number of the current member if ($arg->{'order'} >= $a->{'order'}) { $arg->{'order'} = $a->{'order'} - 1; if ($arg->{'order'} < 0) { $arg->{'order'} = 0; } } } } # Return a generic Adobe-compliant PPD for the "foomatic-rip" filter script # for all spoolers. Built from the standard data; you must call getdat() # first. sub getppd ( $ $ $ ) { # If $shortgui is set, all GUI strings ("translations" in PPD # files) will be cut to a maximum length of 39 characters. This is # needed by the current (as of July 2003) version of the CUPS # PostScript driver for Windows. # If $members_in_subgroup is set, the member options of a composite # option go into a subgroup of the group where the composite option # is located. Otherwise the member options go into a new main group my ($db, $shortgui, $members_in_subgroup) = @_; die "you need to call getdat first!\n" if (!defined($db->{'dat'})); # The Perl data structure of the current printer/driver combo. my $dat = $db->{'dat'}; # Do we have a custom pre-made PPD? If so, return this one if (defined($dat->{'ppdfile'})) { my $ppdfile = $dat->{'ppdfile'}; $ppdfile = "${ppdfile}.gz" if (! -r $ppdfile); if (-r $ppdfile) { # Load the complete PPD file into memory if (open PPD, ($ppdfile !~ /\.gz$/i ? "< $ppdfile" : "$sysdeps->{'gzip'} -cd \'$ppdfile\' |")) { my @ppdlines = <PPD>; close PPD; # Set the default values my $ppd = $db->ppdvarsetdefaults(@ppdlines); return $ppd; } } } my @optionblob; # Lines for command line and options in the PPD file # Insert the printer/driver IDs and the command line prototype # right before the option descriptions push(@optionblob, "*FoomaticIDs: $dat->{'id'} $dat->{'driver'}\n"); my $header = "*FoomaticRIPCommandLine"; my $cmdline = $dat->{'cmd'}; my $cmdlinestr = ripdirective($header, $cmdline); if ($cmdline) { # Insert the "*FoomaticRIPCommandLine" directive, but only if # the command line prototype is not empty push(@optionblob, "$cmdlinestr\n"); if ($cmdlinestr =~ /\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } } $header = "*FoomaticRIPCommandLinePDF"; $cmdline = $dat->{'cmd_pdf'}; $cmdlinestr = ripdirective($header, $cmdline); if ($cmdline) { # Insert the "*FoomaticRIPCommandLine" directive, but only if # the command line prototype is not empty push(@optionblob, "$cmdlinestr\n"); if ($cmdlinestr =~ /\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } } if ($dat->{'drivernopageaccounting'}) { push(@optionblob, "*FoomaticRIPNoPageAccounting: True\n"); } # Search for composite options and prepare the member options # of the found composite options for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # Here we are only interested in composite options, skip the others next if $arg->{'style'} ne 'X'; my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $com = $arg->{'comment'}; my $group = $arg->{'group'}; my $order = $arg->{'order'}; my $section = $arg->{'section'}; # The "PageRegion" option is generated automatically, so ignore an # already existing "PageRegion". next if $name eq "PageRegion"; # Set default for missing section value if (!defined($section)) {$arg->{'section'} = "AnySetup";} # Set default for missing tranaslation/longname if (!$com) {$com = longname($name);} my @members; # Go through all choices of the composite option to find its # member options for my $v (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { my @settings = split(/\s+/s, $v->{'driverval'}); for my $s (@settings) { if (($s =~ /^([^=]+)=/) || ($s =~ /^[Nn][Oo]([^=]+)$/) || ($s =~ /^([^=]+)$/)) { my $m = $1; # Does the found member exist for this printer/driver # combo? if (defined($dat->{'args_byname'}{$m})) { # Add it to the list of found member options if (!member($m, @members)) { push(@members, $1); } # Clean up entries for boolean options if ($s !~ /=/) { if ($s =~ /^[Nn][Oo]$m$/) { $v->{'driverval'} =~ s/(^|\s)$s($|\s)/$1$m=false$2/; } else { $v->{'driverval'} =~ s/(^|\s)$s($|\s)/$1$m=true$2/; } } } else { # Remove it from the choice of the composite # option $v->{'driverval'} =~ s/$s\s*//; $v->{'driverval'} =~ s/\s*$//; } } } } # Add the member list to the data structure of the composite # option. We need it for the recursive setting of group names # and order numbers $arg->{'members'} = \@members; # Add a "From<Composite>" choice which will be the # default. Check also all members if they are hidden, if so, # this composite option is a forced composite option. my $nothiddenmemberfound = 0; for my $m (@members) { my $a = $dat->{'args_byname'}{$m}; # Mark this member as being a member of the current # composite option $a->{'memberof'} = $name; # Convert boolean options to enumerated choice options, so # that we can add the "From<Composite>" choice. if ($a->{'type'} eq 'bool') { booltoenum($dat, $a->{'name'}); } # Is this member option hidden? if (!$a->{'hidden'}) { $nothiddenmemberfound = 1; } # In case of a forced composite option mark the member option # as hidden. if (defined($arg->{'substyle'}) && ($arg->{'substyle'} eq 'F')) { $a->{'hidden'} = 1; } # Do not add a "From<Composite>" choice to an option with only # one choice next if $#{$a->{'vals'}} < 1; if (!defined($a->{'vals_byname'}{"From$name"})) { # Add "From<Composite>" choice # setting record my $rec; $rec->{'value'} = "From$name"; $rec->{'comment'} = "Controlled by '$com'"; # We mark the driverval as invalid with a non-printable # character, this means that the code to insert will be an # empty string in the PPD. $rec->{'driverval'} = "\x01"; # Insert record as the first item in the 'vals' array unshift(@{$a->{'vals'}}, $rec); # Update 'vals_byname' hash $a->{'vals_byname'}{$rec->{'value'}} = $a->{'vals'}[0]; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#{$a->{'vals'}}; $i ++) { $a->{'vals_byname'}{$a->{'vals'}[$i]{'value'}} = $a->{'vals'}[$i]; } } else { # Only update the values $a->{'vals_byname'}{"From$name"}{'value'} = "From$name"; $a->{'vals_byname'}{"From$name"}{'comment'} = "Controlled by '$com'"; $a->{'vals_byname'}{"From$name"}{'driverval'} = "\x01"; } # Set default to the new "From<Composite>" choice $a->{'default'} = "From$name"; } # If all member options are hidden, this composite option is # a forced composite option and has to be marked appropriately if (!$nothiddenmemberfound) { $arg->{'substyle'} = 'F'; } } # Now recursively set the groups and the order sections and numbers # for all composite options and their members. for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # The recursion should only be started in composite options # which are not member of another composite option. $db->setgroupandorder($arg, $members_in_subgroup) if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'X') and (!$arg->{'memberof'}); } # Sort options with "sortargs" function after they were re-grouped # due to the composite options my @sortedarglist = sort sortargs @{$dat->{'args'}}; @{$dat->{'args'}} = @sortedarglist; # Construct the option entries for the PPD file my @groupstack; # In which group are we currently for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $type = $arg->{'type'}; my $com = $arg->{'comment'}; my $default = $arg->{'default'}; my $order = $arg->{'order'}; my $spot = $arg->{'spot'}; my $section = $arg->{'section'}; my $cmd = $arg->{'proto'}; my @group; @group = split("/", $arg->{'group'}) if defined($arg->{'group'}); my $idx = $arg->{'idx'}; # What is the execution style of the current option? Skip options # of unknown execution style my $optstyle = ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G' ? "PS" : ($arg->{'style'} eq 'J' ? "JCL" : ($arg->{'style'} eq 'C' ? "CmdLine" : ($arg->{'style'} eq 'X' ? "Composite" : "Unknown")))); next if $optstyle eq "Unknown"; # The "PageRegion" option is generated automatically, so ignore an # already existing "PageRegion". next if $name eq "PageRegion"; # The command prototype should not be empty, set default if (!$cmd) { $cmd = "%s"; } # Set default for missing section value if (defined($arg->{'style'}) && ($arg->{'style'} eq "J") && !defined($arg->{'memberof'})) { $arg->{'section'} = "JCLSetup"; } elsif (!defined($arg->{'section'})) { $arg->{'section'} = "AnySetup" } $section = $arg->{'section'}; my $jcl = (($section eq 'JCLSetup') && !defined($arg->{'memberof'}) ? "JCL" : ""); # Set default for missing tranaslation/longname if (!$com) {$com = longname($name);} # If for a string option the default value is not available under # the enumerated choices, add it here. Make the default choice also # the first list entry if ($type =~ /^(string|password)$/) { $arg->{'default'} = checkoptionvalue($dat, $name, $arg->{'default'}, 1); # An empty string cannot be an option name in a PPD file, # use "None" in this case my $defcom = $arg->{'default'}; my $defstr = $arg->{'default'}; if ($arg->{'default'} !~ /\S/) { $arg->{'default'} = 'None'; $defcom = '(None)'; $defstr = ''; } elsif ($arg->{'default'} eq 'None') { $defcom = '(None)'; $defstr = ''; } else { $arg->{'default'} =~ s/\W+/_/g; $arg->{'default'} =~ s/^_+|_+$//g; $arg->{'default'} = '_' if ($arg->{'default'} eq ''); $defcom =~ s/:/ /g; $defcom =~ s/^ +| +$//g; } $default = $arg->{'default'}; # Generate a new choice if (!defined($arg->{'vals_byname'}{$arg->{'default'}})) { checksetting($dat, $name, $arg->{'default'}); my $newchoice = $arg->{'vals_byname'}{$arg->{'default'}}; $newchoice->{'value'} = $arg->{'default'}; $newchoice->{'comment'} = $defcom; $newchoice->{'driverval'} = $defstr; } # Bring the default entry to the first position my $index = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$arg->{vals}}; $i ++) { if ($arg->{vals}[$i]{'value'} eq $arg->{'default'}) { $index = $i; last; } } my $def = splice(@{$arg->{vals}}, $index, 1); unshift(@{$arg->{vals}}, $def); } # Do we have to open or close one or more groups here? # No group will be opened more than once, since the options # are sorted to have the members of every group together # Only take into account the groups of options which will be # visible user interface options in the PPD. if ((($type !~ /^(enum|string|password)$/) || ($#{$arg->{'vals'}} > 0) || ($name eq "PageSize") || ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G')) && (!$arg->{'hidden'})) { # Find the level on which the group path of the current option # (@group) differs from the group path of the last option # (@groupstack). my $level = 0; while (($level <= $#groupstack) and ($level <= $#group) and ($groupstack[$level] eq $group[$level])) { $level++; } for (my $i = $#groupstack; $i >= $level; $i--) { # Close this group, the current option is not member # of it. push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*Close%sGroup: %s\n", ($i > 0 ? "Sub" : ""), $groupstack[$i]) ); pop(@groupstack); } for (my $i = $level; $i <= $#group; $i++) { # Open this group, the current option is a member # of it. push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*Open%sGroup: %s/%s\n", ($i > 0 ? "Sub" : ""), $group[$i], cutguiname(longname($group[$i]), $shortgui)) ); push(@groupstack, $group[$i]); } } if ($type =~ /^(enum|string|password)$/) { # Extra information for string options my ($stringextralines0, $stringextralines1) = ('', ''); if ($type =~ /^(string|password)$/) { $stringextralines0 .= sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOption %s: %s %s %s\n", $name, $type, $optstyle, $spot); my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype %s", $name); my $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmd) . "\n"; $stringextralines1 .= $foomaticstr; # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $stringextralines1 .= "*End\n"; } if ($arg->{'maxlength'}) { $stringextralines1 .= sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength %s: %s\n", $name, $arg->{'maxlength'}); } if ($arg->{'allowedchars'}) { my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars %s", $name); my $entrystr = ripdirective($header, $arg->{'allowedchars'}) . "\n"; $stringextralines1 .= $entrystr; # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($entrystr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $stringextralines1 .= "*End\n"; } } if ($arg->{'allowedregexp'}) { my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedRegExp %s", $name); my $entrystr = ripdirective($header, $arg->{'allowedregexp'}) . "\n"; $stringextralines1 .= $entrystr; # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($entrystr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $stringextralines1 .= "*End\n"; } } } # Skip zero or one choice arguments. Do not skip "PageSize", # since a PPD file without "PageSize" will break the CUPS # environment and also do not skip PostScript options. For # skipped options with one choice only "*Foomatic..." # definitions will be used. Skip also the hidden member # options of a forced composite option. if (((1 < scalar(@{$arg->{'vals'}})) || ($name eq "PageSize") || ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G')) && (!$arg->{'hidden'}) && (0 < scalar(@{$arg->{'vals'}}))) { push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*${jcl}OpenUI *%s/%s: PickOne\n", $name, cutguiname($com, $shortgui))); if ($arg->{'style'} ne 'G' && (($optstyle ne "JCL") || defined($arg->{'memberof'}))) { # For non-PostScript options insert line with option # properties push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOption %s: %s %s %s\n", $name, $type, $optstyle, $spot)); } if ($type =~ /^(string|password)$/) { # Extra information for string options push(@optionblob, $stringextralines0, $stringextralines1); } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*OrderDependency: %s %s *%s\n", $order, $section, $name), sprintf("*Default%s: %s\n", $name, (defined($default) ? checkoptionvalue($dat, $name, $default, 1) : 'Unknown'))); if (!defined($default)) { my $whr = sprintf("%s %s driver %s", $dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}, $dat->{'driver'}); warn "undefined default for $idx/$name on a $whr\n"; } # If this is the page size argument; construct # PageRegion, ImageableArea, and PaperDimension clauses # from it. Arguably this is all backwards, but what can # you do! ;) my @pageregion; my @imageablearea; my @paperdimension; # If we have a paper size named "Custom", or one with # one or both dimensions being zero, we must replace # this by an Adobe-complient custom paper size # definition. my $hascustompagesize = 0; # We take very big numbers now, to not impose limits. # Later, when we will have physical demensions of the # printers in the database. my $maxpagewidth = 100000; my $maxpageheight = 100000; # Start the PageRegion, ImageableArea, and PaperDimension # clauses if ($name eq "PageSize") { push(@pageregion, "*${jcl}OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne *OrderDependency: $order $section *PageRegion *DefaultPageRegion: $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'default'}"); push(@imageablearea, "*DefaultImageableArea: $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'default'}"); push(@paperdimension, "*DefaultPaperDimension: $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'}{'default'}"); } for my $v (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { my $psstr = ""; if ($name eq "PageSize") { my $value = $v->{'value'}; # in a PPD, the value # is the PPD name... my $comment = $v->{'comment'}; # Here we have to fill in the absolute sizes of the # papers. We consult a table when we could not read # the sizes out of the choices of the "PageSize" # option. my $size = $v->{'driverval'}; if ($size =~ /([\d\.]+)x([\d\.]+)([a-z]+)\b/) { # 2 positive integers separated by # an 'x' with a unit my $w = $1; my $h = $2; my $u = $3; if ($u =~ /^in(|ch(|es))$/i) { $w *= 72.0; $h *= 72.0; } elsif ($u =~ /^mm$/i) { $w *= 72.0/25.4; $h *= 72.0/25.4; } elsif ($u =~ /^cm$/i) { $w *= 72.0/2.54; $h *= 72.0/2.54; } $w = sprintf("%.2f", $w) if $w =~ /\./; $h = sprintf("%.2f", $h) if $h =~ /\./; $size = "$w $h"; } elsif (($size =~ /(\d+)[x\s]+(\d+)/) || # 2 positive integers separated by # whitespace or an 'x' ($size =~ /\-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS\=(\d+)\s+\-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS\=(\d+)/)) { # "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=..."/"-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=..." $size = "$1 $2"; } else { $size = getpapersize($value); } $size =~ /^\s*([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s*$/; my $width = $1; my $height = $2; if ($maxpagewidth < $width) { $maxpagewidth = $width; } if ($maxpageheight < $height) { $maxpageheight = $height; } if (($value eq "Custom") || ($width == 0) || ($height == 0)) { # This page size is either named "Custom" or # at least one of its dimensions is not fixed # (=0), so this printer/driver combo must # support custom page sizes $hascustompagesize = 1; # We do not add this size to the PPD file # because the Adobe standard foresees a # special code block in the header of the # PPD file to be inserted when a custom # page size is requested. next; } # Determine the unprintable margins # Zero margins when no margin info exists my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = getmargins($dat, $width, $height, $value); # Insert margins in "*ImageableArea" line push(@imageablearea, "*ImageableArea $value/$comment: " . "\"$left $bottom $right $top\""); push(@paperdimension, "*PaperDimension $value/$comment: \"$size\""); } my $foomaticstr = ""; # For PostScript options PostScript code must be # inserted, unless they are member of a composite # option AND they are set to the "Controlled by # '<Composite>'" choice (driverval is "\x01") if (($arg->{'style'} eq 'G' || (($optstyle eq "JCL") && !defined($arg->{'memberof'}))) && ($v->{'driverval'} ne "\x01")) { # Ghostscript argument; offer up ps for # insertion my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { if ($sprintfcmd !~ m/^@/) { $sprintfcmd = "\@PJL " . $sprintfcmd; } if ($sprintfcmd !~ m/<0A>$/) { $sprintfcmd = $sprintfcmd . "<0A>"; } } $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; $psstr = sprintf($sprintfcmd, (defined($v->{'driverval'}) ? $v->{'driverval'} : $v->{'value'})); } else { # Option setting directive for Foomatic filter # 4 "%" because of the "sprintf" applied to it # In the end stay 2 "%" to have a PostScript # comment $psstr = sprintf ("%%%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: %s=%s", $name, $v->{'value'}); if ($v->{'driverval'} eq "\x01") { # Only set the $foomaticstr when the selected # choice is not the "Controlled by # '<Composite>'" of a member of a collective # option. Otherwise leave it out and let # the value in the "FoomaticRIPOptionSetting" # comment be "@<Composite>". $psstr =~ s/=From/=\@/; $foomaticstr = ""; } else { my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting %s=%s", $name, $v->{'value'}); my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; my $cmdval = sprintf($sprintfcmd, (defined($v->{'driverval'}) ? $v->{'driverval'} : $v->{'value'})); $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmdval) . "\n"; } } # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$v->{'comment'}) { if ($type !~ /^(string|password)$/) { $v->{'comment'} = longname($v->{'value'}); } else { $v->{'comment'} = $v->{'value'}; } } # Code supposed to be inserted into the PostScript # data when this choice is selected. push(@optionblob, sprintf("*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"\n", $name, $v->{'value'}, cutguiname($v->{'comment'}, $shortgui), $psstr)); # PostScript code is more than one line? Let an "*End" # line follow if ($psstr =~ /\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } # If we have a command line or JCL option, insert the # code here. For security reasons command line snippets # cannot be inserted into the "official" choice entry, # otherwise the appropriate RIP filter could execute # arbitrary code. push(@optionblob, $foomaticstr); # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } # In modern PostScript interpreters "PageRegion" # and "PageSize" are the same option, so we fill # in the "PageRegion" the same # way as the "PageSize" choices. if ($name eq "PageSize") { push(@pageregion, sprintf("*PageRegion %s/%s: \"%s\"", $v->{'value'}, $v->{'comment'}, $psstr)); if ($psstr =~ /\n/s) { push(@pageregion, "*End"); } } } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*${jcl}CloseUI: *%s\n", $name)); # Insert Custom Option if ($type =~ /^(string|password)$/) { my $templ = $cmd; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { $templ =~ s/%s/\\1/; if ($templ !~ m/^@/) { $templ = "\@PJL " . $templ; } if ($templ !~ m/<0A>$/) { $templ = $templ . "<0A>"; } } elsif ($optstyle eq "CmdLine") { $templ = " pop "; } else { my $cnt = 0; my @words = split(/[ <>]/, $cmd); foreach my $word (@words) { last if ($word eq '%s'); $cnt++ if ($word); } $templ =~ s/%s/ ${cnt} 1 roll /; } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*Custom%s%s True: \"%s\"\n", $jcl, $name, $templ)); push(@optionblob, sprintf("*ParamCustom%s%s %s/%s: 1 %s 0 %d\n\n", $jcl, $name, $name, $arg->{'comment'}, $type, $arg->{'maxlength'})); } if ($name eq "PageSize") { # Close the PageRegion, ImageableArea, and # PaperDimension clauses push(@pageregion, "*${jcl}CloseUI: *PageRegion"); my $paperdim = join("\n", ("", @pageregion, "", @imageablearea, "", @paperdimension, "")); push (@optionblob, $paperdim); # Make the header entries for a custom page size if ($hascustompagesize) { my $maxpaperdim = ($maxpageheight > $maxpagewidth ? $maxpageheight : $maxpagewidth); # PostScript code from the example 6 in section 6.3 # of Adobe's PPD V4.3 specification # http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/5003.PPD_Spec_v4.3.pdf # If the page size is an option for the command line # of Ghostscript, let the values which where put # on the stack being popped and inserta comment # to advise the filter my $pscode; my $foomaticstr = ""; if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G') { $pscode = "pop pop pop <</PageSize [ 5 -2 roll ] /ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"; } else { my $a = $arg->{'vals_byname'}{'Custom'}; my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting %s=%s", $name, $a->{'value'}); my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; my $cmdval = sprintf($sprintfcmd, (defined($a->{'driverval'}) ? $a->{'driverval'} : $a->{'value'})); $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmdval) . "\n"; # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more # than one line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $foomaticstr .= "*End\n"; } $pscode = "pop pop pop pop pop %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: $name=Custom"; } my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = getmargins($dat, 0, 0, 'Custom'); my $custompagesizeheader = "*HWMargins: $left $bottom $right $top *VariablePaperSize: True *MaxMediaWidth: $maxpaperdim *MaxMediaHeight: $maxpaperdim *NonUIOrderDependency: $order $section *CustomPageSize *CustomPageSize True: \"$pscode\" *End ${foomaticstr}*ParamCustomPageSize Width: 1 points 36 $maxpagewidth *ParamCustomPageSize Height: 2 points 36 $maxpageheight *ParamCustomPageSize Orientation: 3 int 0 0 *ParamCustomPageSize WidthOffset: 4 points 0 0 *ParamCustomPageSize HeightOffset: 5 points 0 0 "; unshift (@optionblob, $custompagesizeheader); } else { unshift (@optionblob, "*VariablePaperSize: False\n\n"); } } } elsif (((1 == scalar(@{$arg->{'vals'}})) && ($arg->{'style'} ne 'G')) || ($arg->{'hidden'})) { # non-PostScript enumerated choice option with one single # choice or hidden member option of forced composite # option # Insert line with option properties my $foomaticstrs = ''; for my $v (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting %s=%s", $name, $v->{'value'}); my $cmdval = ''; # For the "From<Composite>" setting the command line # value is not made use of, so leave it blank then. if ($v->{'driverval'} ne "\x01") { my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; $cmdval = sprintf($sprintfcmd, (defined($v->{'driverval'}) ? $v->{'driverval'} : $v->{'value'})); } my $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmdval) . "\n"; # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more # than one line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $foomaticstr .= "*End\n"; } $foomaticstrs .= $foomaticstr; } push(@optionblob, sprintf ("\n*FoomaticRIPOption %s: %s %s %s %s\n", $name, $type, $optstyle, $spot, $order), $stringextralines1, $foomaticstrs); } } elsif ($type eq 'bool') { my $name = $arg->{'name'}; my $namef = $arg->{'name_false'}; my $defstr = ($default ? 'True' : 'False'); if (!defined($default)) { $defstr = 'Unknown'; } my $psstr = ""; my $psstrf = ""; push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*${jcl}OpenUI *%s/%s: Boolean\n", $name, cutguiname($com, $shortgui))); if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G' || $optstyle eq "JCL") { # Ghostscript argument $psstr = $cmd; # Boolean options should not use the "%s" default for $cmd $psstr =~ s/^%s$//; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { if ($psstr !~ m/^@/) { $psstr = "\@PJL " . $psstr; } if ($psstr !~ m/<0A>$/) { $psstr = $psstr . "<0A>"; } } } else { # Option setting directive for Foomatic filter # 4 "%" because of the "sprintf" applied to it # In the end stay 2 "%" to have a PostScript comment my $header = sprintf ("%%%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: %s", $name); $psstr = "$header=True"; $psstrf = "$header=False"; $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting %s", $name); my $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmd) . "\n"; # For non-PostScript options insert line with option # properties push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOption %s: bool %s %s\n", $name, $optstyle, $spot). $foomaticstr, ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s ? "*End\n" : "")); } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*OrderDependency: %s %s *%s\n", $order, $section, $name), sprintf("*Default%s: $defstr\n", $name), sprintf("*%s True/%s: \"%s\"\n", $name, cutguiname($name, $shortgui), $psstr), ($psstr =~ /\n/s ? "*End\n" : ""), sprintf("*%s False/%s: \"%s\"\n", $name, cutguiname($namef, $shortgui), $psstrf), ($psstrf =~ /\n/s ? "*End\n" : ""), sprintf("*${jcl}CloseUI: *%s\n", $name)); } elsif ($type eq 'int') { # Real numerical options do not exist in the Adobe # specification for PPD files. So we map the numerical # options to enumerated options offering the minimum, the # maximum, the default, and some values inbetween to the # user. my $min = $arg->{'min'}; my $max = $arg->{'max'}; my $second = $min + 1; my $stepsize = 1; if (($max - $min > 100) && ($name ne "Copies")) { # We don't want to have more than 100 values, but when the # difference between min and max is more than 100 we should # have at least 10 steps. my $mindesiredvalues = 10; my $maxdesiredvalues = 100; # Find the order of magnitude of the value range my $rangesize = $max - $min; my $log10 = log(10.0); my $rangeom = POSIX::floor(log($rangesize)/$log10); # Now find the step size my $trialstepsize = 10 ** $rangeom; my $numvalues = 0; while (($numvalues <= $mindesiredvalues) && ($trialstepsize > 2)) { $trialstepsize /= 10; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; } # Try to find a finer stepping $stepsize = $trialstepsize; $trialstepsize = $stepsize / 2; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { if ($stepsize > 20) { $trialstepsize = $stepsize / 4; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; } if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { $trialstepsize = $stepsize / 5; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; } if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { $stepsize = $trialstepsize; } else { $stepsize /= 2; } } $numvalues = $rangesize/$stepsize; # We have the step size. Now we must find an appropriate # second value for the value list, so that it contains # the integer multiples of 10, 100, 1000, ... $second = $stepsize * POSIX::ceil($min / $stepsize); if ($second <= $min) {$second += $stepsize}; } # Generate the choice list my @choicelist; push (@choicelist, $min); if (($default < $second) && ($default > $min)) { push (@choicelist, $default); } my $item = $second; while ($item < $max) { push (@choicelist, $item); if (($default < $item + $stepsize) && ($default > $item) && ($default < $max)) { push (@choicelist, $default); } $item += $stepsize; } push (@choicelist, $max); # Add the option # Skip zero or one choice arguments if (1 < scalar(@choicelist)) { push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*${jcl}OpenUI *%s/%s: PickOne\n", $name, cutguiname($com, $shortgui))); # Insert lines with the special properties of a # numerical option. Do this also for PostScript options # because numerical options are not supported by the PPD # file syntax. This way the info about this option being # a numerical one does not get lost push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOption %s: int %s %s\n", $name, $optstyle, $spot)); my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype %s", $name); my $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmd) . "\n"; push(@optionblob, $foomaticstr); # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionRange %s: %s %s\n", $name, $arg->{'min'}, $arg->{'max'})); push(@optionblob, sprintf("*OrderDependency: %s %s *%s\n", $order, $section, $name), sprintf("*Default%s: %s\n", $name, (defined($default) ? $default : 'Unknown')), sprintf("*FoomaticRIPDefault%s: %s\n", $name, (defined($default) ? $default : 'Unknown'))); if (!defined($default)) { my $whr = sprintf("%s %s driver %s", $dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}, $dat->{'driver'}); warn "undefined default for $idx/$name on a $whr\n"; } for my $v (@choicelist) { my $psstr = ""; if ($optstyle eq "PS"|| $optstyle eq "JCL") { # Ghostscript argument; offer up ps for insertion my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { if ($sprintfcmd !~ m/^@/) { $sprintfcmd = "\@PJL " . $sprintfcmd; } if ($sprintfcmd !~ m/<0A>$/) { $sprintfcmd = $sprintfcmd . "<0A>"; } } $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; $psstr = sprintf($sprintfcmd, $v); } else { # Option setting directive for Foomatic filter # 4 "%" because of the "sprintf" applied to it # In the end stay 2 "%" to have a PostScript comment $psstr = sprintf ("%%%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: %s=%s", $name, $v); } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"\n", $name, $v, cutguiname($v, $shortgui), $psstr)); # PostScript code is more than one line? Let an "*End" # line follow if ($psstr =~ /\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*${jcl}CloseUI: *%s\n\n", $name)); # Insert custom option my $templ = $cmd; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { $templ =~ s/%s/\\1/; if ($templ !~ m/^@/) { $templ = "\@PJL " . $templ; } if ($templ !~ m/<0A>$/) { $templ = $templ . "<0A>"; } } elsif ($optstyle eq "CmdLine") { $templ = " pop "; } else { my $cnt = 0; my @words = split(/[ <>]/, $cmd); foreach my $word (@words) { last if ($word eq '%s'); $cnt++ if ($word); } $templ =~ s/%s/ ${cnt} 1 roll /; } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*Custom%s%s True: \"%s\"\n", $jcl, $name, $templ)); push(@optionblob, sprintf("*ParamCustom%s%s %s/%s: 1 int %d %d\n\n", $jcl, $name, $name, $arg->{'comment'}, $min, $max)); } } elsif ($type eq 'float') { # Real numerical options do not exist in the Adobe # specification for PPD files. So we map the numerical # options to enumerated options offering the minimum, the # maximum, the default, and some values inbetween to the # user. my $min = $arg->{'min'}; my $max = $arg->{'max'}; # We don't want to have more than 500 values or less than 50 # values. my $mindesiredvalues = 10; my $maxdesiredvalues = 100; # Find the order of magnitude of the value range my $rangesize = $max - $min; my $log10 = log(10.0); my $rangeom = POSIX::floor(log($rangesize)/$log10); # Now find the step size my $trialstepsize = 10 ** $rangeom; my $stepom = $rangeom; # Order of magnitude of stepsize, # needed for determining necessary number # of digits my $numvalues = 0; while ($numvalues <= $mindesiredvalues) { $trialstepsize /= 10; $stepom -= 1; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; } # Try to find a finer stepping my $stepsize = $trialstepsize; my $stepsizeorig = $stepsize; $trialstepsize = $stepsizeorig / 2; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { $stepsize = $trialstepsize; $trialstepsize = $stepsizeorig / 4; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { $stepsize = $trialstepsize; $trialstepsize = $stepsizeorig / 5; $numvalues = $rangesize/$trialstepsize; if ($numvalues <= $maxdesiredvalues) { $stepsize = $trialstepsize; } } } $numvalues = $rangesize/$stepsize; if ($stepsize < $stepsizeorig * 0.9) {$stepom -= 1;} # Determine number of digits after the decimal point for # formatting the output values. my $digits = 0; if ($stepom < 0) { $digits = - $stepom; } # We have the step size. Now we must find an appropriate # second value for the value list, so that it contains # the integer multiples of 10, 100, 1000, ... my $second = $stepsize * POSIX::ceil($min / $stepsize); if ($second <= $min) {$second += $stepsize}; # Generate the choice list my @choicelist; my $choicestr = sprintf("%.${digits}f", $min); push (@choicelist, $choicestr); if (($default < $second) && ($default > $min)) { $choicestr = sprintf("%.${digits}f", $default); # Prevent values from entering twice because of rounding # inacuracy if ($choicestr ne $choicelist[$#choicelist]) { push (@choicelist, $choicestr); } } my $item = $second; my $i = 0; while ($item < $max) { $choicestr = sprintf("%.${digits}f", $item); # Prevent values from entering twice because of rounding # inacuracy if ($choicestr ne $choicelist[$#choicelist]) { push (@choicelist, $choicestr); } if (($default < $item + $stepsize) && ($default > $item) && ($default < $max)) { $choicestr = sprintf("%.${digits}f", $default); # Prevent values from entering twice because of rounding # inacuracy if ($choicestr ne $choicelist[$#choicelist]) { push (@choicelist, $choicestr); } } $i += 1; $item = $second + $i * $stepsize; } $choicestr = sprintf("%.${digits}f", $max); # Prevent values from entering twice because of rounding # inacuracy if ($choicestr ne $choicelist[$#choicelist]) { push (@choicelist, $choicestr); } # Add the option # Skip zero or one choice arguments if (1 < scalar(@choicelist)) { push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*${jcl}OpenUI *%s/%s: PickOne\n", $name, cutguiname($com, $shortgui))); # Insert lines with the special properties of a # numerical option. Do this also for PostScript options # because numerical options are not supported by the PPD # file syntax. This way the info about this option being # a numerical one does not get lost push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOption %s: float %s %s\n", $name, $optstyle, $spot)); my $header = sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype %s", $name); my $foomaticstr = ripdirective($header, $cmd) . "\n"; push(@optionblob, $foomaticstr); # Stuff to insert into command line/job is more than one # line? Let an "*End" line follow if ($foomaticstr =~ /\n.*\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } push(@optionblob, sprintf ("*FoomaticRIPOptionRange %s: %s %s\n", $name, $arg->{'min'}, $arg->{'max'})); push(@optionblob, sprintf("*OrderDependency: %s %s *%s\n", $order, $section, $name), sprintf("*Default%s: %s\n", $name, (defined($default) ? sprintf("%.${digits}f", $default) : 'Unknown')), sprintf("*FoomaticRIPDefault%s: %s\n", $name, (defined($default) ? sprintf("%.${digits}f", $default) : 'Unknown'))); if (!defined($default)) { my $whr = sprintf("%s %s driver %s", $dat->{'make'}, $dat->{'model'}, $dat->{'driver'}); warn "undefined default for $idx/$name on a $whr\n"; } for my $v (@choicelist) { my $psstr = ""; if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G') { # Ghostscript argument; offer up ps for insertion my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; $psstr = sprintf($sprintfcmd, $v); } else { # Option setting directive for Foomatic filter # 4 "%" because of the "sprintf" applied to it # In the end stay 2 "%" to have a PostScript comment $psstr = sprintf ("%%%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: %s=%s", $name, $v); } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"\n", $name, $v, cutguiname($v, $shortgui), $psstr)); # PostScript code is more than one line? Let an "*End" # line follow if ($psstr =~ /\n/s) { push(@optionblob, "*End\n"); } } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*${jcl}CloseUI: *%s\n\n", $name)); # Insert custom option my $templ = $cmd; if ($optstyle eq "JCL") { $templ =~ s/%s/\\1/; if ($templ !~ m/^@/) { $templ = "\@PJL " . $templ; } if ($templ !~ m/<0A>$/) { $templ = $templ . "<0A>"; } } elsif ($optstyle eq "CmdLine") { $templ = " pop "; } else { my $cnt = 0; my @words = split(/[ <>]/, $cmd); foreach my $word (@words) { last if ($word eq '%s'); $cnt++ if ($word); } $templ =~ s/%s/ ${cnt} 1 roll /; } push(@optionblob, sprintf("*Custom%s%s True: \"%s\"\n", $jcl, $name, $templ)); push(@optionblob, sprintf("*ParamCustom%s%s %s/%s: 1 real %f %f\n\n", $jcl, $name, $name, $arg->{'comment'}, $min, $max)); } } } # Close the option groups which are still open for (my $i = $#groupstack; $i >= 0; $i--) { push(@optionblob, sprintf("\n*Close%sGroup: %s\n", ($i > 0 ? "Sub" : ""), $groupstack[$i]) ); pop(@groupstack); } if (! $dat->{'args_byname'}{'PageSize'} ) { # This is a problem, since CUPS segfaults on PPD files without # a default PageSize set. Indeed, the PPD spec requires a # PageSize clause. # Ghostscript does not understand "/PageRegion[...]", therefore # we use "/PageSize[...]" in the "*PageRegion" option here, in # addition, for most modern PostScript interpreters "PageRegion" # is the same as "PageSize". push(@optionblob, <<EOFPGSZ); *% This is fake. We have no information on how to *% set the pagesize for this driver in the database. To *% prevent PPD users from blowing up, we must provide a *% default pagesize value. *OpenUI *PageSize/Media Size: PickOne *OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageSize *DefaultPageSize: Letter *PageSize Letter/Letter: "<</PageSize[612 792]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *PageSize Legal/Legal: "<</PageSize[612 1008]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *PageSize A4/A4: "<</PageSize[595 842]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *CloseUI: *PageSize *OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne *OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageRegion *DefaultPageRegion: Letter *PageRegion Letter/Letter: "<</PageSize[612 792]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *PageRegion Legal/Legal: "<</PageSize[612 1008]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *PageRegion A4/A4: "<</PageSize[595 842]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *CloseUI: *PageRegion *DefaultImageableArea: Letter *ImageableArea Letter/Letter: "0 0 612 792" *ImageableArea Legal/Legal: "0 0 612 1008" *ImageableArea A4/A4: "0 0 595 842" *DefaultPaperDimension: Letter *PaperDimension Letter/Letter: "612 792" *PaperDimension Legal/Legal: "612 1008" *PaperDimension A4/A4: "595 842" EOFPGSZ } my @others; my $headcomment = "*% For information on using this, and to obtain the required backend *% script, consult http://www.openprinting.org/ *% *% This file is published under the GNU General Public License *% *% PPD-O-MATIC (4.0.0 or newer) generated this PPD file. It is for use with *% all programs and environments which use PPD files for dealing with *% printer capability information. The printer must be configured with the *% \"foomatic-rip\" backend filter script of Foomatic 4.0.0 or newer. This *% file and \"foomatic-rip\" work together to support PPD-controlled printer *% driver option access with all supported printer drivers and printing *% spoolers. *% *% To save this file on your disk, wait until the download has completed *% (the animation of the browser logo must stop) and then use the *% \"Save as...\" command in the \"File\" menu of your browser or in the *% pop-up manu when you click on this document with the right mouse button. *% DO NOT cut and paste this file into an editor with your mouse. This can *% introduce additional line breaks which lead to unexpected results."; my $postpipe = ""; if ($dat->{'postpipe'}) { my $header = "*FoomaticRIPPostPipe"; my $code = $dat->{'postpipe'}; $postpipe = ripdirective($header, $code) . "\n"; if ($postpipe =~ /\n.*\n/s) { $postpipe .= "*End\n"; } } my $opts = join('',@optionblob); my $otherstuff = join('',@others); my $pcfilename; if (($dat->{'pcmodel'}) && ($dat->{'pcdriver'})) { $pcfilename = uc("$dat->{'pcmodel'}$dat->{'pcdriver'}"); } else { my $driver = $dat->{'driver'}; $driver =~ m!(^(.{1,8}))!; $pcfilename = uc($1); } $pcfilename = 'FOOMATIC' if !defined($pcfilename); my $model = $dat->{'model'}; my $make = $dat->{'make'}; my ($ieee1284,$pnpmake,$pnpmodel,$filename,$longname, $drivername,$nickname,$modelname) = getppdheaderdata($dat, $dat->{'driver'}, $dat->{'recdriver'}); if ($ieee1284) { $ieee1284 = "*1284DeviceID: \"" . $ieee1284 . "\""; } # Add info about driver properties my $drvproperties = ""; $drvproperties .= "*driverName $dat->{'driver'}: \"" . ($dat->{'shortdescription'} ? $dat->{'shortdescription'} : "") . "\"\n" if defined($dat->{'driver'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverType $dat->{'type'}" . ($dat->{'type'} eq "G" ? "/Ghostscript built-in" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "U" ? "/Ghostscript Uniprint" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "F" ? "/Filter" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "C" ? "/CUPS Raster" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "V" ? "/OpenPrinting Vector" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "I" ? "/IJS" : ($dat->{'type'} eq "P" ? "/PostScript" : ""))))))) . ": \"\"\n" if defined($dat->{'type'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverUrl: \"$dat->{'url'}\"\n" if defined($dat->{'url'}); if ((defined($dat->{'obsolete'})) && ($dat->{'obsolete'} ne "0")) { $drvproperties .= "*driverObsolete: True\n"; if ($dat->{'obsolete'} ne "1") { $drvproperties .= "*driverRecommendedReplacement: " . "\"$dat->{'obsolete'}\"\n"; } } else { $drvproperties .= "*driverObsolete: False\n"; } $drvproperties .= "*driverSupplier: \"$dat->{'supplier'}\"\n" if defined($dat->{'supplier'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverManufacturerSupplied: " . ($dat->{'manufacturersupplied'} eq "1" ? "True" : ($dat->{make} =~ m,^($dat->{'manufacturersupplied'})$,i ? "True" : "False")) . "\n" if defined($dat->{'manufacturersupplied'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverLicense: \"$dat->{'license'}\"\n" if defined($dat->{'license'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverFreeSoftware: " . ($dat->{'free'} ? "True" : "False") . "\n" if defined($dat->{'free'}); if (defined($dat->{'supportcontacts'})) { foreach my $entry (@{$dat->{'supportcontacts'}}) { my $uclevel = uc(substr($entry->{'level'}, 0, 1)) . lc(substr($entry->{'level'}, 1)); $drvproperties .= "*driverSupportContact${uclevel}: " . "\"$entry->{'url'} $entry->{'description'}\"\n"; } } if (defined($dat->{'drvmaxresx'}) || defined($dat->{'drvmaxresy'})) { my ($maxresx, $maxresy); $maxresx = $dat->{'drvmaxresx'} if defined($dat->{'drvmaxresx'}); $maxresy = $dat->{'drvmaxresy'} if defined($dat->{'drvmaxresy'}); $maxresx = $maxresy if !$maxresx; $maxresy = $maxresx if !$maxresy; $drvproperties .= "*driverMaxResolution: " . "${maxresx} ${maxresy}\n"; } $drvproperties .= "*driverColor: " . ($dat->{'drvcolor'} ? "True" : "False") . "\n" if defined($dat->{'drvcolor'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverTextSupport: $dat->{'text'}\n" if defined($dat->{'text'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverLineartSupport: $dat->{'lineart'}\n" if defined($dat->{'lineart'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverGraphicsSupport: $dat->{'graphics'}\n" if defined($dat->{'graphics'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverPhotoSupport: $dat->{'photo'}\n" if defined($dat->{'photo'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverSystemmLoad: $dat->{'load'}\n" if defined($dat->{'load'}); $drvproperties .= "*driverRenderingSpeed: $dat->{'speed'}\n" if defined($dat->{'speed'}); $drvproperties = "\n$drvproperties" if $drvproperties; # Do not use "," or "+" in the *ShortNickName to make the Windows # PostScript drivers happy my $shortnickname = "$make $model $drivername"; if (length($shortnickname) > 31) { # ShortNickName too long? Shorten it. my %parts; $parts{'make'} = $make; $parts{'model'} = $model; $parts{'driver'} = $drivername; # Go through the three components, begin with model name, then # make and then driver for my $part (qw/model make driver/) { # Split the component into words, cutting always at the right edge # of the word. Cut also at a capital in the middle of the word # (ex: "S" in "PostScript"). my @words = split(/(?<=[a-zA-Z])(?![a-zA-Z])|(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])/, $parts{$part}); # Go through all words for (@words) { # Do not abbreviate words of less than 4 letters next if ($_ !~ /[a-zA-Z]{4,}$/); # How many letters did we chop off my $abbreviated = 0; while (1) { # Remove the last letter chop; $abbreviated ++; # Build the shortened component ... $parts{$part} = join('', @words); # ... and the ShortNickName $shortnickname = "$parts{'make'} $parts{'model'} $parts{'driver'}"; # Stop if the ShostNickName has 30 characters or less # (we have still to add the abbreviation point), if there # is only one letter left, or if the manufacturer name # is reduced to three characters. Do not accept an # abbreviation of one character, as, taking the # abbreviation point into account, it does not save # a character. last if (((length($shortnickname) <= 30) && ($abbreviated != 1)) || ($_ !~ /[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/) || ((length($parts{'make'}) <= 3) && ($abbreviated != 1))); } #Abbreviation point if ($abbreviated) { $_ .= '.'; } $parts{$part} = join('', @words); $shortnickname = "$parts{'make'} $parts{'model'} $parts{'driver'}"; last if (length($shortnickname) <= 31); } last if (length($shortnickname) <= 31); } while ((length($shortnickname) > 31) && (length($parts{'model'}) > 3)) { # ShortNickName too long? Remove last words from model name. $parts{'model'} =~ s/(?<=[a-zA-Z0-9])[^a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*$//; my $new = "$parts{'make'} $parts{'model'}, $parts{'driver'}"; last if ($new eq $shortnickname); $shortnickname = $new; } if (length($shortnickname) > 31) { # If nothing else helps ... $shortnickname = substr($shortnickname, 0, 31); } } my $color; if ($dat->{'color'}) { $color = "*ColorDevice: True\n*DefaultColorSpace: RGB"; } else { $color = "*ColorDevice: False\n*DefaultColorSpace: Gray"; } # Clean up "<ppdentry>"s foreach my $type ('printerppdentry', 'driverppdentry', 'comboppdentry'){ if (defined($dat->{$type})) { $dat->{$type} =~ s/^\s+//gm; $dat->{$type} =~ s/\s+$//gm; $dat->{$type} =~ s/^\n+//gs; $dat->{$type} =~ s/\n*$/\n/gs; } else { $dat->{$type} = ''; } } my $extralines = ($dat->{'comboppdentry'} ? $dat->{'comboppdentry'} : $dat->{'printerppdentry'} . $dat->{'driverppdentry'}); my $tmpl = get_tmpl(); $tmpl =~ s!\@\@POSTPIPE\@\@!$postpipe!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@HEADCOMMENT\@\@!$headcomment!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@SAVETHISAS\@\@!$longname!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@PCFILENAME\@\@!$pcfilename!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@MANUFACTURER\@\@!$make!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@PNPMAKE\@\@!$pnpmake!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@PNPMODEL\@\@!$pnpmodel!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@MODEL\@\@!$modelname!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@NICKNAME\@\@!$nickname!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@SHORTNICKNAME\@\@!$shortnickname!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@COLOR\@\@!$color!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@IEEE1284\@\@!$ieee1284!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@DRIVERPROPERTIES\@\@!$drvproperties!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@OTHERSTUFF\@\@!$otherstuff!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@OPTIONS\@\@!$opts!g; $tmpl =~ s!\@\@EXTRALINES\@\@!$extralines!g; return ($tmpl); } # Utility function; returns content of a URL sub getpage { my ($this, $url, $dontdie) = @_; my $failed = 0; my $page = undef; # Try it first to retrieve the page with the "wget" shell command if (-x $sysdeps->{'wget'}) { if (open PAGE, "$sysdeps->{'wget'} $url -O - 2>/dev/null |") { $page = join('', <PAGE>); close PAGE; } else { $failed = 1; } # Then try to retrieve the page with the "curl" shell command } elsif (-x $sysdeps->{'curl'}) { if (open PAGE, "$sysdeps->{'curl'} $url -o - 2>/dev/null |") { $page = join('', <PAGE>); close PAGE; } else { $failed = 1; } } else { warn("WARNING: No tool for downloading web content found, please install either\n\"wget\" or \"curl\"! The result you got may be incorrect!\n"); } if ((!$page) || ($failed)) { if ($dontdie) { return undef; } else { die ("http error: " . $url . "\n"); } } return $page; } # Determine the margins as needed by "*ImageableArea" sub getmarginsformarginrecord { my ($margins, $width, $height, $pagesize) = @_; if (!defined($margins)) { # No margins defined? Return invalid margins return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } # Defaults my $unit = 'pt'; my $absolute = 0; my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = (undef, undef, undef, undef); # Check the general margins and then the particular paper size for my $i ('_general', $pagesize) { # Skip a section if it is not defined next if (!defined($margins->{$i})); # Determine the factor to calculate the margin in points (pt) $unit = (defined($margins->{$i}{'unit'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'unit'} : $unit); my $unitfactor = 1.0; # Default unit is points if ($unit =~ /^p/i) { $unitfactor = 1.0; } elsif ($unit =~ /^in/i) { $unitfactor = 72.0; } elsif ($unit =~ /^cm$/i) { $unitfactor = 72.0/2.54; } elsif ($unit =~ /^mm$/i) { $unitfactor = 72.0/25.4; } elsif ($unit =~ /^dots(\d+)dpi$/i) { $unitfactor = 72.0/$1; } # Convert the values to points ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = ((defined($margins->{$i}{'left'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'left'} * $unitfactor : $left), (defined($margins->{$i}{'right'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'right'} * $unitfactor : $right), (defined($margins->{$i}{'top'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'top'} * $unitfactor : $top), (defined($margins->{$i}{'bottom'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'bottom'} * $unitfactor : $bottom)); # Determine the absolute values $absolute = (defined($margins->{$i}{'absolute'}) ? $margins->{$i}{'absolute'} : $absolute); if (!$absolute){ if (defined($margins->{$i}{'right'})) { $right = $width - $right; } if (defined($margins->{$i}{'top'})) { $top = $height - $top; } } } $left = sprintf("%.2f", $left) if $left =~ /\./; $right = sprintf("%.2f", $right) if $right =~ /\./; $top = sprintf("%.2f", $top) if $top =~ /\./; $bottom = sprintf("%.2f", $bottom) if $bottom =~ /\./; return ($left, $right, $top, $bottom); } sub getmargins { my ($dat, $width, $height, $pagesize) = @_; # Determine the unprintable margins my ($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = (undef, undef, undef, undef); # Margins from printer database entry my ($pleft, $pright, $ptop, $pbottom) = getmarginsformarginrecord($dat->{'printermargins'}, $width, $height, $pagesize); # Margins from driver database entry my ($dleft, $dright, $dtop, $dbottom) = getmarginsformarginrecord($dat->{'drivermargins'}, $width, $height, $pagesize); # Margins from printer/driver combo my ($cleft, $cright, $ctop, $cbottom) = getmarginsformarginrecord($dat->{'combomargins'}, $width, $height, $pagesize); # Left margin if (defined($pleft)) {$left = $pleft}; if (defined($dleft) && (!defined($left) || ($dleft > $left))) {$left = $dleft}; if (defined($cleft) && (!defined($left) || ($cleft > $left))) {$left = $cleft}; # Right margin if (defined($pright)) {$right = $pright}; if (defined($dright) && (!defined($right) || ($dright < $right))) {$right = $dright}; if (defined($cright) && (!defined($right) || ($cright < $right))) {$right = $cright}; # Top margin if (defined($ptop)) {$top = $ptop}; if (defined($dtop) && (!defined($top) || ($dtop < $top))) {$top = $dtop}; if (defined($ctop) && (!defined($top) || ($ctop < $top))) {$top = $ctop}; # Bottom margin if (defined($pbottom)) {$bottom = $pbottom}; if (defined($dbottom) && (!defined($bottom) || ($dbottom > $bottom))) {$bottom = $dbottom}; if (defined($cbottom) && (!defined($bottom) || ($dbottom > $bottom))) {$bottom = $cbottom}; # Safe margins when margin info is missing my $tborder = 36; my $bborder = 36; my $lborder = 18; my $rborder = 18; $left = $lborder if !defined($left); $right = $width - $rborder if !defined($right); $top = $height - $tborder if !defined($top); $bottom = $bborder if !defined($bottom); # If we entered with $width == 0 and $height == 0, we mean # relative margins, so correct the signs if ($width == 0) {$right = -$right}; if ($height == 0) {$top = -$top}; # Clean up output $left =~ s/^\s*-0\s*$/0/; $right =~ s/^\s*-0\s*$/0/; $top =~ s/^\s*-0\s*$/0/; $bottom =~ s/^\s*-0\s*$/0/; # Return the results return ($left, $right, $top, $bottom); } # Generate a translation/longname from a shortname sub longname { my $shortname = $_[0]; # A space before every upper-case letter in the middle preceeded by # a lower-case one $shortname =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1 $2/g; # If there are three or more upper-case letters, assume the last as # the beginning of the next word, the others as an abbreviation $shortname =~ s/([A-Z][A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/$1 $2/g; return $shortname; } # Prepare strings for being part of an HTML document by, converting # "<" to "<", ">" to ">", "&" to "&", "\"" to """, # and "'" to "'" sub htmlify { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~ s!&!&!g; $str =~ s/\</\</g; $str =~ s/\>/\>/g; $str =~ s/\"/\"/g; $str =~ s/\'/\'/g; return $str; } # This splits RIP directives (PostScript comments which are # foomatic-rip uses to build the RIP command line) into multiple lines # of a fixed length, to avoid lines longer than 255 characters. The # PPD specification does not allow such long lines. sub ripdirective { my ($header, $content) = ($_[0], htmlify($_[1])); # If possible, make lines of this length my $maxlength = 72; # Header of continuation line my $continueheader = ""; # Two subsequent ampersands are not possible in an htmlified string, # so we can use them at the line end to mark that the current line # continues on the next line. A newline without this is also a newline # in the decoded string my $continuelineend = "&&"; # output string my $out; # The colon and the quote after the header must be on the line with # the header $header .= ": \""; # How much of the current line is left? my $freelength = $maxlength - length($header) - length($continuelineend); # Add the header if ($freelength < 0) { # header longer than $maxlength, don't break it $out = "$header$continuelineend\n$continueheader"; $freelength = $maxlength - length($continueheader) - length($continuelineend); } else { $out = "$header"; } $content .= "\""; # Go through every line of the $content for my $l (split ("\n", $content)) { while ($l) { # Take off $maxlength portions until the string is used up if (length($l) < $freelength) { $freelength = length($l); } my $line = substr($l, 0, $freelength, ""); # Add the portion $out .= $line; # Finish the line $freelength = $maxlength - length($continueheader) - length($continuelineend); if ($l) { # Line continues in next line $out .= "$continuelineend\n$continueheader"; } else { # line ends $out .= "\n"; last; } } } # Remove trailing newline $out = substr($out, 0, -1); return $out; } # PPD boilerplate template sub get_tmpl_paperdimension { return <<ENDPDTEMPL; *% Generic PaperDimension; evidently there was no normal PageSize argument *DefaultPaperDimension: Letter *PaperDimension Letter: "612 792" *PaperDimension Legal: "612 1008" *PaperDimension A4: "595 842" ENDPDTEMPL } sub get_tmpl { return <<ENDTMPL; *PPD-Adobe: "4.3" \@\@POSTPIPE\@\@*% \@\@HEADCOMMENT\@\@ *% *% You may save this file as '\@\@SAVETHISAS\@\@' *% *% *FormatVersion: "4.3" *FileVersion: "1.1" *LanguageVersion: English *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1 *PCFileName: "\@\@PCFILENAME\@\@.PPD" *Manufacturer: "\@\@MANUFACTURER\@\@" *Product: "(\@\@PNPMODEL\@\@)" *cupsVersion: 1.0 *cupsManualCopies: True *cupsModelNumber: 2 *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 100 foomatic-rip" *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-pdf 0 foomatic-rip" *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.apple-pdf 25 foomatic-rip" *%pprRIP: foomatic-rip other *ModelName: "\@\@MODEL\@\@" *ShortNickName: "\@\@SHORTNICKNAME\@\@" *NickName: "\@\@NICKNAME\@\@" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 550" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 651" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 652" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 653" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 704" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 705" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 800" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 815" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 850" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 860" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 861" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 862" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 863" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 864" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 870" *LanguageLevel: "3" \@\@COLOR\@\@ *FileSystem: False *Throughput: "1" *LandscapeOrientation: Plus90 *TTRasterizer: Type42 \@\@IEEE1284\@\@ \@\@DRIVERPROPERTIES\@\@ \@\@EXTRALINES\@\@ \@\@OTHERSTUFF\@\@ \@\@OPTIONS\@\@ *% Generic boilerplate PPD stuff as standard PostScript fonts and so on *DefaultFont: Courier *Font AvantGarde-Book: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font AvantGarde-BookOblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font AvantGarde-Demi: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font AvantGarde-DemiOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Bookman-Demi: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Bookman-DemiItalic: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Bookman-Light: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Bookman-LightItalic: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Courier: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Courier-Bold: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Courier-BoldOblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Courier-Oblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Bold: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Palatino-Bold: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM *Font Palatino-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM *Font Palatino-Italic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM *Font Palatino-Roman: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM *Font Symbol: Special "(001.007S)" Special ROM *Font Times-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Times-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM *Font Times-Italic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font Times-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font ZapfChancery-MediumItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM *Font ZapfDingbats: Special "(001.004S)" Standard ROM ENDTMPL } # Determine the paper width and height in points from a given paper size # name. Used for the "PaperDimension" and "ImageableArea" entries in PPD # files. # # The paper sizes in the list are all sizes known to Ghostscript, all # of Gutenprint, all sizes of HPIJS, and some others found in the data # of printer drivers. sub getpapersize { my $papersize = lc(join('', @_)); my @sizetable = ( ['germanlegalfanfold', '612 936'], ['halfletter', '396 612'], ['letterwide', '647 957'], ['lettersmall', '612 792'], ['letter', '612 792'], ['legal', '612 1008'], ['postcard', '283 416'], ['tabloid', '792 1224'], ['ledger', '1224 792'], ['tabloidextra', '864 1296'], ['statement', '396 612'], ['manual', '396 612'], ['executive', '522 756'], ['folio', '612 936'], ['archa', '648 864'], ['archb', '864 1296'], ['archc', '1296 1728'], ['archd', '1728 2592'], ['arche', '2592 3456'], ['usaarch', '648 864'], ['usbarch', '864 1296'], ['uscarch', '1296 1728'], ['usdarch', '1728 2592'], ['usearch', '2592 3456'], ['a2.*invit.*', '315 414'], ['b6-c4', '354 918'], ['c7-6', '229 459'], ['supera3-b', '932 1369'], ['a3wide', '936 1368'], ['a4wide', '633 1008'], ['a4small', '595 842'], ['sra4', '637 907'], ['sra3', '907 1275'], ['sra2', '1275 1814'], ['sra1', '1814 2551'], ['sra0', '2551 3628'], ['ra4', '609 864'], ['ra3', '864 1218'], ['ra2', '1218 1729'], ['ra1', '1729 2437'], ['ra0', '2437 3458'], ['a10', '74 105'], ['a9', '105 148'], ['a8', '148 210'], ['a7', '210 297'], ['a6', '297 420'], ['a5', '420 595'], ['a4', '595 842'], ['a3', '842 1191'], ['a2', '1191 1684'], ['a1', '1684 2384'], ['a0', '2384 3370'], ['2a', '3370 4768'], ['4a', '4768 6749'], ['c10', '79 113'], ['c9', '113 161'], ['c8', '161 229'], ['c7', '229 323'], ['c6', '323 459'], ['c5', '459 649'], ['c4', '649 918'], ['c3', '918 1298'], ['c2', '1298 1836'], ['c1', '1836 2599'], ['c0', '2599 3676'], ['b10.*jis', '90 127'], ['b9.*jis', '127 180'], ['b8.*jis', '180 257'], ['b7.*jis', '257 362'], ['b6.*jis', '362 518'], ['b5.*jis', '518 727'], ['b4.*jis', '727 1029'], ['b3.*jis', '1029 1459'], ['b2.*jis', '1459 2063'], ['b1.*jis', '2063 2919'], ['b0.*jis', '2919 4127'], ['jis.*b10', '90 127'], ['jis.*b9', '127 180'], ['jis.*b8', '180 257'], ['jis.*b7', '257 362'], ['jis.*b6', '362 518'], ['jis.*b5', '518 727'], ['jis.*b4', '727 1029'], ['jis.*b3', '1029 1459'], ['jis.*b2', '1459 2063'], ['jis.*b1', '2063 2919'], ['jis.*b0', '2919 4127'], ['b10.*iso', '87 124'], ['b9.*iso', '124 175'], ['b8.*iso', '175 249'], ['b7.*iso', '249 354'], ['b6.*iso', '354 498'], ['b5.*iso', '498 708'], ['b4.*iso', '708 1000'], ['b3.*iso', '1000 1417'], ['b2.*iso', '1417 2004'], ['b1.*iso', '2004 2834'], ['b0.*iso', '2834 4008'], ['2b.*iso', '4008 5669'], ['4b.*iso', '5669 8016'], ['iso.*b10', '87 124'], ['iso.*b9', '124 175'], ['iso.*b8', '175 249'], ['iso.*b7', '249 354'], ['iso.*b6', '354 498'], ['iso.*b5', '498 708'], ['iso.*b4', '708 1000'], ['iso.*b3', '1000 1417'], ['iso.*b2', '1417 2004'], ['iso.*b1', '2004 2834'], ['iso.*b0', '2834 4008'], ['iso.*2b', '4008 5669'], ['iso.*4b', '5669 8016'], ['b10envelope', '87 124'], ['b9envelope', '124 175'], ['b8envelope', '175 249'], ['b7envelope', '249 354'], ['b6envelope', '354 498'], ['b5envelope', '498 708'], ['b4envelope', '708 1000'], ['b3envelope', '1000 1417'], ['b2envelope', '1417 2004'], ['b1envelope', '2004 2834'], ['b0envelope', '2834 4008'], ['b10', '87 124'], ['b9', '124 175'], ['b8', '175 249'], ['b7', '249 354'], ['b6', '354 498'], ['b5', '498 708'], ['b4', '708 1000'], ['b3', '1000 1417'], ['b2', '1417 2004'], ['b1', '2004 2834'], ['b0', '2834 4008'], ['monarch', '279 540'], ['dl', '311 623'], ['com10', '297 684'], ['com.*10', '297 684'], ['env10', '297 684'], ['env.*10', '297 684'], ['hagaki', '283 420'], ['oufuku', '420 567'], ['kaku', '680 941'], ['long.*3', '340 666'], ['long.*4', '255 581'], ['foolscap', '576 936'], ['flsa', '612 936'], ['flse', '648 936'], ['photo100x150', '283 425'], ['photo200x300', '567 850'], ['photofullbleed', '298 440'], ['photo4x6', '288 432'], ['photo', '288 432'], ['wide', '977 792'], ['card148', '419 297'], ['envelope132x220', '374 623'], ['envelope61/2', '468 260'], ['supera', '644 1008'], ['superb', '936 1368'], ['fanfold5', '612 792'], ['fanfold4', '612 864'], ['fanfold3', '684 792'], ['fanfold2', '864 612'], ['fanfold1', '1044 792'], ['fanfold', '1071 792'], ['panoramic', '595 1683'], ['plotter.*size.*a', '612 792'], ['plotter.*size.*b', '792 1124'], ['plotter.*size.*c', '1124 1584'], ['plotter.*size.*d', '1584 2448'], ['plotter.*size.*e', '2448 3168'], ['plotter.*size.*f', '3168 4896'], ['archlarge', '162 540'], ['standardaddr', '81 252'], ['largeaddr', '101 252'], ['suspensionfile', '36 144'], ['videospine', '54 423'], ['badge', '153 288'], ['archsmall', '101 540'], ['videotop', '130 223'], ['diskette', '153 198'], ['76\.2mmroll', '216 0'], ['69\.5mmroll', '197 0'], ['roll', '612 0'], ['custom', '0 0'] ); # Remove prefixes which sometimes could appear $papersize =~ s/form_//; # Check whether the paper size name is in the list above for my $item (@sizetable) { if ($papersize =~ /@{$item}[0]/) { return @{$item}[1]; } } # Check if we have a "<Width>x<Height>" format, assume the numbers are # given in inches if ($papersize =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/) { my $w = $1 * 72; my $h = $2 * 72; return sprintf("%d %d", $w, $h); } # Check if we have a "w<Width>h<Height>" format, assume the numbers are # given in points if ($papersize =~ /w(\d+)h(\d+)/) { return "$1 $2"; } # Check if we have a "w<Width>" format, assume roll paper with the given # width in points if ($papersize =~ /w(\d+)/) { return "$1 0"; } # This paper size is absolutely unknown, issue a warning warn "WARNING: Unknown paper size: $papersize!"; return "0 0"; } # Get documentation for the printer/driver pair to print out. For # "Execution Details" section of driver web pages on OpenPrinting sub getexecdocs { my ($this) = $_[0]; my $dat = $this->{'dat'}; my @docs; # Construct the proper command line. my $commandline = htmlify($dat->{'cmd'}); if ($commandline eq "") {return ();} my @letters = qw/A B C D E F G H I J K L M Z/; for my $spot (@letters) { if($commandline =~ m!\%$spot!) { my $arg; argument: for $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # for $arg (sort { $a->{'order'} <=> $b->{'order'} } # @{$dat->{'args'}}) { # Only do arguments that go in this spot next argument if ($arg->{'spot'} ne $spot); # PJL arguments are not inserted at a spot in the command # line next argument if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'J'); # Composite options are not interesting here next argument if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'X'); my $name = htmlify($arg->{'name'}); my $varname = htmlify($arg->{'varname'}); my $cmd = htmlify($arg->{'proto'}); my $comment = htmlify($arg->{'comment'}); my $placeholder = "</TT><I><$name></I><TT>"; my $default = htmlify($arg->{'default'}); my $type = $arg->{'type'}; my $cmdvar = ""; my $gsarg1 = ""; my $gsarg2 = ""; if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'G') { $gsarg1 = ' -c "'; $gsarg2 = '"'; $cmd =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; } #my $leftbr = ($arg->{'required'} ? "" : "["); #my $rightbr = ($arg->{'required'} ? "" : "]"); my $leftbr = ""; my $rightbr = ""; if ($type eq 'bool') { $cmdvar = "$leftbr$gsarg1$cmd$gsarg2$rightbr"; } elsif ($type eq 'int' or $type eq 'float') { $cmdvar = sprintf("$leftbr$gsarg1$cmd$gsarg2$rightbr",$placeholder); } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { my $val; if ($val=valbyname($arg,$default)) { $cmdvar = sprintf("$leftbr$gsarg1$cmd$gsarg2$rightbr", $placeholder); } } # Insert the processed argument in the commandline # just before every occurance of the spot marker. $cmdvar =~ s!^\[\ !\ \[!; $commandline =~ s!\%$spot!$cmdvar\%$spot!g; } # Remove the letter markers from the commandline $commandline =~ s!\%$spot!!g; } } $dat->{'excommandline'} = $commandline; push(@docs, "<B>Command Line</B><P>"); push(@docs, "<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>$commandline</TT></BLOCKQUOTE><P>"); my ($arg, @doctmp); my @pjlcommands = (); argt: for $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # for $arg (sort { $a->{'order'} <=> $b->{'order'} } # @{$dat->{'args'}}) { # Composite options are not interesting here next argt if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'X'); # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$arg->{'comment'}) { $arg->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name'}); } my $name = htmlify($arg->{'name'}); my $cmd = htmlify($arg->{'proto'}); my $comment = htmlify($arg->{'comment'}); my $placeholder = "</TT><I><$name></I><TT>"; if ($arg->{'style'} eq 'J') { $cmd = "\@PJL $cmd"; my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; push (@pjlcommands, sprintf($sprintfcmd, $placeholder)); } my $default = htmlify($arg->{'default'}); my $type = $arg->{'type'}; my $required = ($arg->{'required'} ? " required" : "n optional"); my $pjl = ($arg->{'style'} eq 'J' ? "PJL " : ""); if ($type eq 'bool') { my $name_false = htmlify($arg->{'name_false'}); push(@doctmp, "<DL><DT><I>$name</I></DT>", "<DD>A$required boolean ${pjl}argument meaning $name if present or $name_false if not.<BR>", "$comment<BR>", "Prototype: <TT>$cmd</TT><BR>", "Default: ", $default ? "True" : "False", "</DD></DL><P>" ); } elsif ($type eq 'int' or $type eq 'float') { my $max = (defined($arg->{'max'}) ? $arg->{'max'} : "none"); my $min = (defined($arg->{'min'}) ? $arg->{'min'} : "none"); my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; push(@doctmp, "<DL><DT><I>$name</I></DT>", "<DD>A$required $type ${pjl}argument.<BR>", "$comment<BR>", "Prototype: <TT>", sprintf($sprintfcmd, $placeholder), "</TT><BR>", "Default: <TT>$default</TT><BR>", "Range: <TT>$min <= $placeholder <= $max</TT>", "</DD></DL><P>" ); } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { my ($val, $defstr); my (@choicelist) = (); for $val (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$val->{'comment'}) { $val->{'comment'} = longname($val->{'value'}); } my ($value, $comment, $driverval) = (htmlify($val->{'value'}), htmlify($val->{'comment'}), htmlify($val->{'driverval'})); if (defined($driverval)) { if ($driverval eq "") { push(@choicelist, "<LI>$value: $comment (<TT>$placeholder</TT> is left blank)</LI>"); } else { my $widthheight = ""; if (($name eq "PageSize") && ($value eq "Custom")) { my $width = "</TT><I><Width></I><TT>"; my $height = "</TT><I><Height></I><TT>"; $driverval =~ s/\%0/$width/ or $driverval =~ s/(\W)0(\W)/$1$width$2/ or $driverval =~ s/^0(\W)/$width$1/m or $driverval =~ s/(\W)0$/$1$width/m or $driverval =~ s/^0$/$width/m; $driverval =~ s/\%1/$height/ or $driverval =~ s/(\W)0(\W)/$1$height$2/ or $driverval =~ s/^0(\W)/$height$1/m or $driverval =~ s/(\W)0$/$1$height/m or $driverval =~ s/^0$/$height/m; $widthheight = ", <I><Width></I> and <I><Height></I> are the page dimensions in points, 1/72 inches"; } push(@choicelist, "<LI>$value: $comment (<TT>$placeholder</TT> is '<TT>$driverval</TT>'$widthheight)</LI>"); } } else { push(@choicelist, "<LI>$value: $comment (<TT>$placeholder</TT> is '<TT>$value</TT>')</LI>"); } } my $sprintfcmd = $cmd; $sprintfcmd =~ s/\%(?!s)/\%\%/g; push(@doctmp, "<DL><DT><I>$name</I></DT>", "<DD>A$required enumerated choice ${pjl}argument.<BR>", "$comment<BR>", "Prototype: <TT>", sprintf($sprintfcmd, $placeholder), "</TT><BR>", "Default: $default", "<UL>", join("", @choicelist), "</UL></DD></DL><P>" ); } } # Instructions for PJL commands if (($#pjlcommands > -1) && (defined($dat->{'pjl'}))) { #if (($#pjlcommands > -1)) { my @pjltmp; push(@pjltmp, "PJL arguments are not put into the command line, they must be put into a PJL header which is prepended to the actual job data which is generated by the command line shown above and sent to the printer. After the job data one can reset the printer via PJL. So a complete job looks as follows:<BLOCKQUOTE>", "<I><ESC></I>", # The "JOB" PJL command is not supported by all printers "<TT>%-12345X\@PJL</TT><BR>"); #"<TT>%-12345X\@PJL JOB NAME=\"</TT>", #"<I><A job name></I>", #"<TT>\"</TT><BR>"); for my $command (@pjlcommands) { push(@pjltmp, "<TT>$command</TT><BR>"); } push(@pjltmp, "<I><The job data></I><BR>", "<I><ESC></I>", # The "JOB" PJL command is not supported by all printers "<TT>%-12345X\@PJL RESET</TT></BLOCKQUOTE><P>", #"<TT>%-12345X\@PJL EOJ</TT></BLOCKQUOTE><P>", "<I><ESC></I>", ": This is the ", "<I>ESC</I>", " character, ASCII code 27.<P>", #"<I><A job name></I>", #": The job name can be chosen arbitrarily, some printers show it on their front panel displays.<P>", "It is not required to give the PJL arguments, you can leave out some of them or you can even send only the job data without PJL header and PJL end-of-job mark.<P>"); push(@docs, "<B>PJL</B><P>"); push(@docs, @pjltmp); } elsif ((defined($dat->{'drivernopjl'})) && ($dat->{'drivernopjl'} == 1) && (defined($dat->{'pjl'}))) { my @pjltmp; push(@pjltmp, "This driver produces a PJL header with PJL commands internally and it is incompatible with extra PJL options merged into that header. Therefore there are no PJL options available when using this driver.<P>"); push(@docs, "<B>PJL</B><P>"); push(@docs, @pjltmp); } push(@docs, "<B>Options</B><P>"); push(@docs, @doctmp); return @docs; } # Get a shorter summary documentation thing. sub get_summarydocs { my ($this) = $_[0]; my $dat = $this->{'dat'}; my @docs; for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$arg->{'comment'}) { $arg->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name'}); } my ($name, $required, $type, $comment, $spot, $default) = ($arg->{'name'}, $arg->{'required'}, $arg->{'type'}, $arg->{'comment'}, $arg->{'spot'}, $arg->{'default'}); my $reqstr = ($required ? " required" : "n optional"); push(@docs, "Option `$name':\n A$reqstr $type argument.\n $comment\n"); push(@docs, " This option corresponds to a PJL command.\n") if ($spot eq 'Y'); if ($type eq 'bool') { if (defined($default)) { my $defstr = ($default ? "True" : "False"); push(@docs, " Default: $defstr\n"); } push(@docs, " Example (true): `$name'\n"); push(@docs, " Example (false): `no$name'\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { push(@docs, " Possible choices:\n"); my $exarg; for (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$_->{'comment'}) { $_->{'comment'} = longname($_->{'value'}); } my ($choice, $comment) = ($_->{'value'}, $_->{'comment'}); push(@docs, " * $choice: $comment\n"); $exarg=$choice; } if (defined($default)) { push(@docs, " Default: $default\n"); } push(@docs, " Example: `$name=$exarg'\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'int' or $type eq 'float') { my ($max, $min) = ($arg->{'max'}, $arg->{'min'}); my $exarg; if (defined($max)) { push(@docs, " Range: $min <= x <= $max\n"); $exarg=$max; } if (defined($default)) { push(@docs, " Default: $default\n"); $exarg=$default; } if (!$exarg) { $exarg=0; } push(@docs, " Example: `$name=$exarg'\n"); } push(@docs, "\n"); } return @docs; } # About as obsolete as the other docs functions. Why on earth are # there three, anyway?! sub getdocs { my ($this) = $_[0]; my $dat = $this->{'dat'}; my @docs; for my $arg (@{$dat->{'args'}}) { # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$arg->{'comment'}) { $arg->{'comment'} = longname($arg->{'name'}); } my ($name, $required, $type, $comment, $spot, $default) = ($arg->{'name'}, $arg->{'required'}, $arg->{'type'}, $arg->{'comment'}, $arg->{'spot'}, $arg->{'default'}); my $reqstr = ($required ? " required" : "n optional"); push(@docs, "Option `$name':\n A$reqstr $type argument.\n $comment\n"); push(@docs, " This option corresponds to a PJL command.\n") if ($spot eq 'Y'); if ($type eq 'bool') { if (defined($default)) { my $defstr = ($default ? "True" : "False"); push(@docs, " Default: $defstr\n"); } push(@docs, " Example (true): `$name'\n"); push(@docs, " Example (false): `no$name'\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { push(@docs, " Possible choices:\n"); my $exarg; for (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { # Make sure that the longname/translation exists if (!$_->{'comment'}) { $_->{'comment'} = longname($_->{'value'}); } my ($choice, $comment) = ($_->{'value'}, $_->{'comment'}); push(@docs, " * $choice: $comment\n"); $exarg=$choice; } if (defined($default)) { push(@docs, " Default: $default\n"); } push(@docs, " Example: `$name=$exarg'\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'int' or $type eq 'float') { my ($max, $min) = ($arg->{'max'}, $arg->{'min'}); my $exarg; if (defined($max)) { push(@docs, " Range: $min <= x <= $max\n"); $exarg=$max; } if (defined($default)) { push(@docs, " Default: $default\n"); $exarg=$default; } if (!$exarg) { $exarg=0; } push(@docs, " Example: `$name=$exarg'\n"); } push(@docs, "\n"); } return @docs; } # Find a choice value hash by name. # Operates on old dat structure... sub valbyname { my ($arg,$name) = @_; my $val; for my $val (@{$arg->{'vals'}}) { return $val if (lc($name) eq lc($val->{'value'})); } return undef; } # replace numbers with fixed 6-digit number, set to lower case, replace # non-alphanumeric characters by single spaces for ease of sorting # ie: sort { normalizename($a) cmp normalizename($b) } @foo; sub normalizename { my $n = $_[0]; $n =~ s/[\d\.]+/sprintf("%013.6f", $&)/eg; $n = normalize($n); return $n; } # Load an XML object from the library # You specify the relative file path (to .../db/), less the .xml on the end. sub _get_object_xml { my ($this, $file, $quiet) = @_; open XML, "$libdir/db/$file.xml" or do { warn "Cannot open file $libdir/db/$file.xml\n" if !$quiet; return undef; }; my $xml = join('', (<XML>)); close XML; return $xml; } # Write an XML object from the library # You specify the relative file path (to .../db/), less the .xml on the end. sub _set_object_xml { my ($this, $file, $stuff, $cache) = @_; my $dir = "$libdir/db"; my $xfile = "$dir/$file.xml"; umask 0002; open XML, ">$xfile.$$" or do { warn "Cannot write file $xfile.$$\n"; return undef; }; print XML $stuff; close XML; rename "$xfile.$$", $xfile or die "Cannot rename $xfile.$$ to $xfile\n"; return 1; } # Get a list of XML filenames from a library directory. These could then be # read with _get_object_xml. sub _get_xml_filelist { my ($this, $dir) = @_; if (!defined($this->{"names-$dir"})) { opendir DRV, "$libdir/db/$dir" or die 'Cannot find source db for $dir\n'; my $driverfile; while($driverfile = readdir(DRV)) { next if ($driverfile !~ m!^(.+)\.xml$!); push(@{$this->{"names-$dir"}}, $1); } closedir(DRV); } return @{$this->{"names-$dir"}}; } # Return a Perl structure in eval-able ascii format sub getascii { my ($this) = $_[0]; if (! $this->{'dat'}) { $this->getdat(); } local $Data::Dumper::Purity=1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; # Encase data for inclusion in PPD file return Dumper($this->{'dat'}); } # Return list of printer makes sub get_makes { my ($this) = @_; my @makes; my %seenmakes; my $p; for $p (@{$this->get_overview()}) { my $make = $p->{'make'}; push (@makes, $make) if ! $seenmakes{$make}++; } return @makes; } # get a list of model names from a make sub get_models_by_make { my ($this, $wantmake) = @_; my $over = $this->get_overview(); my @models; my $p; for $p (@{$over}) { push (@models, $p->{'model'}) if ($wantmake eq $p->{'make'}); } return @models; } # get a printer id from a make/model sub get_printer_from_make_model { my ($this, $wantmake, $wantmodel) = @_; my $over = $this->get_overview(); my $p; for $p (@{$over}) { return $p->{'id'} if ($p->{'make'} eq $wantmake and $p->{'model'} eq $wantmodel); } return undef; } sub get_javascript2 { my ($this, $models, $oids) = @_; my @swit; my $mak; my $else = ""; my @makes; my %modelhash; my %oidhash; if ($models) { %modelhash = %{$models}; @makes = sort {normalizename($a) cmp normalizename($b) } (keys %modelhash); } else { @makes = sort {normalizename($a) cmp normalizename($b) } ($this->get_makes()); } if ($oids) { %oidhash = %{$oids}; } for $mak (@makes) { push (@swit, " $else if (make == \"$mak\") {\n"); my $ct = 0; my @makemodels; if ($models) { @makemodels = @{$modelhash{$mak}}; } else { @makemodels = ($this->get_models_by_make($mak)); } my $mod; for $mod (sort {normalizename($a) cmp normalizename($b) } @makemodels) { my $p; $p = $this->get_printer_from_make_model($mak, $mod); if (defined($p)) { push (@swit, " o[i++]=new Option(\"$mod\", \"$p\");\n"); $ct++; } else { my $oid; if ($oids) { $oid = $oidhash{$mak}{$mod}; } else { $oid = "$mak-$mod"; $oid =~ s/ /_/g; $oid =~ s/\+/plus/g; $oid =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]//g; $oid =~ s/__+/_/g; $oid =~ s/_$//; } push (@swit, " o[i++]=new Option(\"$mod\", \"$oid\");\n"); $ct++; } } if (!$ct) { push(@swit, " o[i++]=new Option(\"No Printers\", \"0\");\n"); } push (@swit, " }"); $else = "else"; } my $switch = join('',@swit); my $javascript = ' function reflectMake(makeselector, modelselector) { // // This function is called when makeselector changes // by an onchange thingy on the makeselector. // // Get the value of the OPTION that just changed selected_value=makeselector.options[makeselector.selectedIndex].value; // Get the text of the OPTION that just changed make=makeselector.options[makeselector.selectedIndex].text; o = new Array; i=0; ' . $switch . ' if (i==0) { alert("Error: that dropdown should do something, but it doesnt"); } else { modelselector.length=o.length; for (i=0; i < o.length; i++) { modelselector.options[i]=o[i]; } modelselector.options[0].selected=true; } } '; return $javascript; } # Modify comments text to contain only what it should: # # <a>, <p>, <br> (<br> -> <p>) # sub comment_filter { my ($text) = @_; my $fake = ("INSERTFIXEDTHINGHERE" . sprintf("%06x", rand(1000000))); my %replacements; my $num = 1; # extract all the A href tags my $replace = "ANCHOR$fake$num"; while ($text =~ s!(<\s*a\s+href\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]\s*>)!$replace!i) { $replacements{$replace} = $1; $num++; $replace = "ANCHOR$fake$num"; } # extract all the A tail tags $replace = "ANCHORTAIL$fake$num"; while ($text =~ s!(<\s*/\s*a\s*>)!$replace!i) { $replacements{$replace} = $1; $num++; $replace = "ANCHOR$fake$num"; } # extract all the P tags $replace = "PARA$fake$num"; while ($text =~ s!(<\s*p\s*>)!$replace!i) { $replacements{$replace} = $1; $num++; $replace = "PARA$fake$num"; } # extract all the BR tags $replace = "PARA$fake$num"; while ($text =~ s!(<\s*br\s*>)!$replace!i) { $replacements{$replace} = $1; $num++; $replace = "PARA$fake$num"; } # Now it's just clean text; remove all tags and &foo;s $text =~ s!<[^>]+>! !g; $text =~ s!&!&!g; $text =~ s!<!<!g; $text =~ s!>!>!g; $text =~ s!&[^;]+?;! !g; # Now rewrite into our teeny-html subset $text =~ s!&!&!g; $text =~ s!<!<!g; $text =~ s!>!>!g; # And reinsert the few things we wanted to preserve for (keys(%replacements)) { my ($k, $r) = ($_, $replacements{$_}); $text =~ s!$k!$r!; } # print STDERR "$text"; return $text; } 1;